Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes



September 9th, 2024

  1.       Call to Order
  2.        Adoption of Agenda
  3.        Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes  – August
  4. Period for Public Expression                            
  5. Treasurer’s Report
    1. approve paid bills July and August
    1. approve July and August financials
  • Old Business
    • Musical Garden
    • Applied for Construction Aid through OWWL
      • Submitted September 6th
  • Continued education – Information Lifecycle


Summer Reading July 8th – August 17th

Back to School Bash – August 29th – Thank you Thelma and Cynthia

Work Day – August 31st 9 – 12pm

Art Walk – September 7th – Thelma and Janelle Attended.

  • New Business
    • Marilyn from Rotary about this summer’s Performances
    • 2025 Closed Dates
    • Towns?
    • Char 500
    • Maintenance:
      • Windows cleaned – July 24th
      • SG Security fire inspection – July 17th
      • Town Fire Inspection – July 24th
        • Reinstallation of light in women’s bathroom 9/4/24
        • Follow up inspection 9/5/2024
    • New front sign –update?
    • Sexual Harassment training

Next Trustee Meeting – October 9th, 2024 5:30pm

Cynthia Langkamp 2024      

Thelma Mattice 2026

Blake Morton 2026

Janet Dys 2024   

Jennifer Manitone 2026            

Honeoye Public Library Board of Trustees

Minutes for the Meeting of August 14, 2024

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Blake Morton, Jen Manitone and Cynthia Langkamp.  

Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 5:35 PM

Adoption of Agenda – Motion was made by Thelma to adopt the agenda, seconded by Blake.  Motion was passed unanimously.

Approval of prior meeting minutes – July – Janet made the motion to approve minutes seconded by Thelma.  Motion was passed unanimously.  

Period of Public Expression – Jenny Abbott passed away on 8/11/2024

Treasurer’s Report – Due to unforeseen circumstances, we will review the treasurer’s report for July at our next meeting.

Old Business 

Musical Garden – No update 

Applied for Construction Aid through OWWL 

     Front doors – repaired – needed a longer hinge.

     Bathroom Doors – Upgrade to Automatic 

     Meeting Room Door – Upgrade to Automatic

     Backlight – Upgrade to motion sensor

     Reinforce lights to main room

     Furnace and Air Conditioner



    Summer Reading – July 8th – August 17th

          Adventure begins at the Library 

New Business:


          Windows – Cleaned July 24th.

          SG Security – fire inspection July 17th.

          Town Fire Inspection – July 24th

               Must replace batteries in 2 exit signs and 4 emergency lights

               Add additional exit signs in basement

               All batteries and signs have been ordered and replaced

               One Emergency sign must be replaced

     New Front Sign – update – Volunteers 

     Applied to UB for Masters in Library Science

  Must be completed in 4 years

36 credits or 12 classes are needed for completion

I will be starting in the fall with one class 

Each calendar year I have to complete 3 classes

Most courses are 3 hours/credits      

     Started getting quotes for lawn care for 2025 – get 3 quotes

          Cutting lawn/weed whacking

          Also get quotes for snow plowing the parking lot.

     Budget for 2025 – update spreadsheet to send to Janelle    

     for tax paperwork.

     Next Trustee Meeting – September 11, 2024 @  5:30 PM 

Meeting adjourned at 7:00

Respectfully Submitted,

Cynthia Langkamp

Honeoye Public Library Board of Trustees

Minutes for the Meeting of July 10, 2024

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Sheila Jones, Blake Morton and Cynthia Langkamp.  

Guest – Jen Mantione

Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 5:40 PM

Adoption of Agenda – Motion was made by Cynthia to adopt the agenda, seconded by Thelma.  Motion was passed unanimously.

Approval of prior meeting minutes – June – Janet made the motion to approve minutes seconded by Blake.  Motion was passed unanimously.  

Period of Public Expression – This will be Sheila’s last meeting.  Mary wrote a nice letter to the board resigning as a trustee. 

Sheila and Mary have formally resigned.

Need to send thank you notes for their service.

Lillian’s last day will be July 31st.  Doris Monk has resigned.

Treasurer’s Report –  Approved paid bills for June. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Blake.  Motion was passed unanimously.

Approve June bills.  Motion made by Janet seconded by Thelma. Motion was passed unanimously.

Old Business 

Musical Garden – No update


    Summer Reading – July 8th – August 17th

          Adventure begins at the Library 

New Business:


          Windows to be cleaned July 22nd.

          Urinal fixed again – It is repaired.  Question:  Is it mandated that we 

          have a urinal?

     Applied for Construction Aid through OWWL – Approved

          Front doors – repaired

          Bathroom doors – Upgrade to automatic

          Meeting room door – upgrade to automatic 

          Back door lighting – upgrade to turn on and off – Dusk to Dawn

          Reinforce lights in main room – $3500

          Furnace/Air Conditioner/Generator – Start work in September

     Started getting quotes for lawn care for 2025 – get 3 quotes

          Cutting lawn/weed whacking

          Also get quotes for snow plowing the parking lot.

     New sign out front – Get more quotes.  Get volunteers to put up a new 

     sign when we have all the materials.

     Garden club – update.  Cynthia and Thelma will arrange the 

     room downstairs near the outside door for the garden club.

     CD overview from CNB – Thank you Thelma

     Applied to UB for Masters in Library Science

          Presentation about why and what this is – Janelle & Cynthia

          Waitlisted – will hear in July.   

     Budget for 2025 – update spreadsheet for next meeting.  

     Next Trustee Meeting – August 14, 2024 @  5:30 PM 

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 

Honeoye Public Library Board of Trustees

Minutes for the Meeting of June 12, 2024

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Mary Boite, Sheila Jones, Blake Morton and Cynthia Langkamp.  

Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 5:35 PM

Adoption of Agenda – Motion was made by Thelma to adopt the agenda, seconded by Sheila.  Motion was passed unanimously.

Approval of prior meeting minutes – May – Mary made the motion to approval minutes from May, seconded by Janet.  Motion was passed unanimously.  

Period of Public Expression – Thank you everyone for a great job in getting our funding vote passed.  

Treasurer’s Report –  Approved paid bills for May. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Thelma.  Motion was passed unanimously.

Approve May bills.  Motion made by Cynthia seconded by Janet. Motion was passed unanimously.

Old Business 

Musical Garden – No update


     Narcan Training:  June 3rd from 2 – 3 PM – Attended by Janelle.

          Narcan will be kept with our first aid kit.

    Summer Reading – July 8th – August 17th

          Adventure begins at the Library

    Fishing Program – We have men who have volunteered to show kids 

    how to fish.  This would be held on Saturdays.

New Business:


          Lights fixed – 4/17 waiting on bill from Josh Clark – $96.55

          To get all the lights fixed would cost $3500(See grant below)

          Front doors – Waiting on Stowe – We have a quote for $1539.70.

          See quote – 

          Window cleaned?  We have not yet scheduled the window cleaning

     Applied for grant of a AED for the Library

          Grant was approved.   We will work with Bruce C. to decide which 

          unit would be best for the library.  All staff would be trained on how to use              

          the AED.  Any volunteers who are interested can be trained as well.                           

          Cynthia made a motion to go ahead with the grant, at this time, seconded

          by Thelma.  Motion was passed unanimously.

     Applied for Construction Aid through OWWL

          Front doors – 

          Bathroom doors – Doors are currently heavy.  Make them more handicap


          Light by the back door – 

          Reinforce lights in main room – 

          Furnace and Air Conditioner

     Started getting quotes for lawn care

          Quote for $60 which includes cutting the lawn and weed whacking.

          This is for 18 weeks – $1080.  We will get more quotes.

     RMSC – Annual passes for the library.

          RMSC has a library membership that consists of two reusable passes.

          Each pass provides free admission for two adults plus any child under the 

          age of 18.  Cost is $120/year.

          Pass allows you entrance to RMSC, Cummings Nature Center and 

          Strasenburgh Planetarium.

     Library Budget Meeting:

          June 26th at 5:30.  This will be to go over our budget for 2025.

     New front sign

          See quote and picture.  We will be getting additional quotes.

     Garden Club

          Garden Club to use space in the room downstairs in exchange they 

          will weed our gardens.  Will write a policy for use of the downstairs room.

     Meeting room

          Additional nights – extended access – contract/policy

          This will be part of our Five Year Plan

     Applied to UB for Masters in Library Science

          Presentation about why and what this is.

          Waitlisted – will hear back in July – Fall/Spring semester

     Funding – Next steps – September

          Trustees are not familiar with work that is required by the staff.

          Letters to the Towns of Richmond, Canadice and South Bristol.

     Employee Job Description – IT position – Doris Monk

Next Trustee Meeting – July 10, 2024 @  5:30 PM  

April 10, 2024


Honeoye Public Library Board of Trustees

Present: Janet Dys, Mary Boite, Blake Morgan. Janelle Speca, Library Director

Absent with cause: Cynthia Langkamp, Sheila Jones

Janet called the meeting to order at 5:30p.m.

The Agenda was adopted – proposed by Janet, seconded by Mary

Prior Meeting Minutes – proposed by Mary, seconded by Blake. Adopted

The Treasurer’s Report, including bills paid in March and March Financial Report, were reviewed and approved by those Trustees present. Because there was not a quorum present, Trustees agreed that a formal approval would take place at the May meeting.

Old Business: Musical Garden – nothing to report at this time

Programs/MeetingsNew Business

Janelle reported that the painting will be completed April 11-12th and that the Library would be closed for maintenance those days.

The power wash and the windows are being rescheduled, and that she is trying a new local company.

Repair on the front door (sticking still) needs to be scheduled.

Donation Thank You cards will now be written by Janet, since Robin Healy has resigned from the Board.

Trustee Policy review of The Plan of Action was accomplished.

New Library Mural: Discussion of doing a new mural in place of the old one that is now painted over took place. It is seen as a fundraiser opportunity and a chance to involve the community by allowing patrons to submit a design by the end of May. Janelle proposed a puzzle of the new design.

Funding – next steps: Mary reported that Library Advocates are being contacted, the library will do a flyer about the Information Meetings to post, and information was sent out sent out to the newsletters of churches as well as a notice in the Penny saver. The library is posting on the website and on social media. We will also have a table May 11 at the Garden Club Plant Sale, and be handing out flyers and buttons developed by Janelle, at the Recycle/Trash location. Blake had so

Minutes for the Meeting of March 13, 2024

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Sheila Jones, Mary Boite, Robin Healy, Blake Morton and Cynthia Langkamp

Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 5:35 PM

Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Mary to adopt

agenda, seconded by Cynthia. Motion was passed unanimously.

Approval of prior meeting minutes – February. Motion made by Thelma, seconded by Janet. Motion was passed unanimously.

Period of Public Expression – There is Spring/Summer Sale at UCC Bristol, Center on the Hill on April 20th from 9 – 3.

Treasurer’s ReportApprove paid bills for February. Cynthia moved to accept paid bills, seconded by Thelma. Thelma moved to accept the treasurer’s report for February, seconded by Cynthia. Motions were passed unanimously.

Old Business

Musical garden quote – $55,000 per Andy – Robin

New Business:

Building Maintenance

Entry Mats have been put back down.

Mirror has been put up in the Young Adult Section so we can see

Between the bookcases.

Power wash has been scheduled.

Windows and carpet will be done in April.

Painting estimates for the main room (other rooms will be done

Each year). We will paint over the mural.

Paul Harvey $2000 labor $650 Materials (Sherwin Williams paint)

2 days with a 4 person crew.

SJ Craftman $3000 Labor $585 materials

2 – 3 days with a 2 person crew.

Fitzgerald Painting $3500 labor $400 materials

2 days with a 2 person crew

Trustees – Face of the Library – Mindful of staff’s time. They are

here to work. Don’t stand at desk counter and block patrons from

Checking out or asking questions.

Code of conduct


Plan of Action – When we do elections of officers in January

We will do our plan of action at the same time.

Trustee education for 2023 – documentation

Annual Report to the town

Annual Report to the State – Approval needed. Mary made the

Motion to accept the Annual Report to the State, Sheila seconded.

Motion was passed unanimously.

FFPRL grant approval – $3626.31 – will be spent on LP and

VOX books (children’s books that read to you).

Qualified for Bilingual grant – Spanish – 24 bilingual easy readers

And a set of board books for our collection.

Funding – Next steps – Will have a trustee meeting 3/20/2024

5:30 – 6:30.

Period of Public Expression – After the May vote, trustees will need to do sexual harassment training.

We will need a new treasurer next month – Thelma will take over the treasurers duty until December. Sheila moved to accept Thelma as Treasurer until the end of December, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.

Adjourned – 6:45

Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 5:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia Langkamp

Honeoye Public Library Board of Trustees
Minutes for the Meeting of February 7, 2024
Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Mary Boite, Sheila Jones Blake
Morton and Cynthia Langkamp.
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 5:35 PM
Adoption of Agenda – Motion was made by Cynthia to adopt the agenda,
seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – January – Mary made the motion to
approval minutes from January, seconded by Thelma. Motion was passed
Period of Public Expression – Great job at the BOE meeting.
Treasurer’s Report – Approved paid bills for December and January. Motion
made by Cynthia, seconded by Mary.
Approve December and January bills. Motion made by Thelma, seconded by
Cynthia. Motion was passed unanimously.
Old Business
Musical Garden – No update
Exhibit animals – update. Thelma researched how to clean the animals.
Animals have been cleaned.
New Business:
Voucher/Contract/Letters sent to towns on 12/30/2023.
Richmond – requested and received $91,800 on 1/9/2024
Canadice – requested and received $27,529 on 1/9/2024
South Bristol – requested $3,137 received $3,200 on 1/9/2024.
Trustee education for 2023 – documentation.
FFRPL Grant approval and signature for 2023. $1300 for large print books.
Eclipse – April 8th. We will have prime viewing in Honeoye.
Donations – memorial – we are receiving donations.
Fact Sheet
BOE meeting – Wednesday, February 14th at 6:15. We will meet at,
The school, at 6:00 PM.
Lillie to do a Libby App Class.
In order to hold a gathering for the eclipse, Ontario County is required to have
Fire and Medical Backup.
People should be in place 1 hour before the eclipse.
Schools are closed due to the timing of the eclipse.
There will be programs leading up to the eclipse.
Library is closed the day of the eclipse. Mary made a motion to accept closure
on April 8th, seconded by Thelma. Motion was passed unanimously.
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 5:30 PM.
Adjourned at 6:34 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkam

Honeoye Public Library Board of Trustees
Minutes for the Meeting of January 3, 2024
Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Robin Healy, Mary Boite Sheila
Jones and Cynthia Langkamp.
Guest – Blake Morton(Interested in being a trustee) and Ron Kirsop
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM
Adoption of Agenda
Approval of prior meeting minutes
Period of Public Expression – Ron Kirsop will be attending this meeting to
discuss what steps need to be taken for Education Law 259 Funding.
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
New Business:
New Year
Vote to elect officers – Janet Dys will remain president, but Thelma and
Sheila would like to shadow her to get to know her duties.
Mary Boite will remain Vice President, Robin Healy will remain Treasurer and
Cynthia Langkamp will remain Secretary.
Vote to do payroll twice a month – Staff will be paid the 15th and last day of the
Vote to review accounts monthly – passed unanimously.
Vote for separation of duties – Financial – passed unanimously.
Long Range Plan – Finalization and vote. Mary moved to accept the Long
Range Plan, seconded by Cynthia. Motion was passed unanimously.
Voucher/Contract/Letters sent to towns on 12/30/2023 for monies to support the
Donations – We received 9 new donations. Thelma will send out the Thank you
Stone Memorial Endowment – This is to be used for the taxidermy animals
Maintenance. We will need to find out who does this maintenance in the area.
Trustee education for 2023 – documentation – All trustees need two hours of
training per year. Make sure Janelle has your documentation.
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at library, then to BOE for
meeting at school.
Our next trustee meeting will be February 7th at 6PM.
Our next BOE meeting will be February 14th at 6:15 at the school.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Honeoye Public Library Board of Trustees
Minutes for the Meeting of December 13, 2023
Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Sheila Jones, Mary Boite, Robin
Healy and Cynthia Langkamp
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Cynthia to adopt
agenda, seconded by Thelma. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – November. Motion made by Mary,
seconded by Thelma. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – In the PennySaver there was a very nice tribute,
under Raves, for a former Trustee, Donna Cochrane.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for November. Cynthia moved to
accept paid bills, seconded by Mary. Thelma moved to accept the treasurer’s
report, seconded by Sheila. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
Musical garden quote – $55,000 per Andy
Phone quote – Empire has been installed. Spectrum has been completely
disconnected and the router returned.
Toshiba update – New copier installed on December 7, 2023. New lease is five
55 attended the Story Time with Santa program. Pictures taken with
Santa by Robin were amazing.
New Business:
New Trustee Handbooks for 2023 – Ron will deliver.
Funding update – Budget
Janet, Cynthia and Janelle met with the superintendent of HCS
On 12/4/2023
Waiting on an email from the superintendent. BOE 1/17/2024.
Scheduled a meeting with Ron Kirsop for 1/3/2024 at 6PM.
Long Range Plan – Mary and Sheila.
HPL will be closed Sunday, Dec. 24th – Friday, Dec. 29th.
Diana will be in to keep up with deliveries and all items that are
Dropped off at the library. Laurie will also be in doing some deep
Holiday Bazaar updates:
$1827.25 total sales for this year’s bazaar.
Need to reach out to the community to find another organization
To take over the Holiday Bazaar.
The majority of the items that were left over will be donated.
Adjourned – 6:45
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, January 3, 2024 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia LangkamHoneoye Public Library Board of Trustees
Minutes for the Meeting of November 8, 2023
Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Sheila Jones, Mary Boite and
Cynthia Langkamp
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:10 PM
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Cynthia to adopt
agenda, seconded by Thelma. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – October. Motion made by Thelma,
seconded by Sheila. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Made a deposit for the power washing in the
spring to lock in the price ($184.50)
Also, any trustee who does not have their two hours of training in, please do so
by the end of the year.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for October. Cynthia moved to accept
paid bills, seconded by Janet. Mary moved to accept the treasurer’s report,
seconded by Thelma. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
Musical garden quote – $55,000 per Andy
Phone quote – moving ahead with both the phone and fax line.
Toshiba update – updating lease with Toshiba printer without the additional fax
cloud. New lease is five years.
A Christmas Program is already being planned. Please let me know
If you would like to help out.
Tree displayed for town – Any volunteers. Home Town Holiday.
New Business:
New Trustee Handbooks for 2023 – we will be getting them soon.
Ontario County COVID supply donations have been delivered.
New hire for website – For HPL – Just on Wednesday(3 hours)
Funding update – Budget
Town of Richmond budget workshop October 11th.
Letter to supervisors – Signed by Trustees.
Long Range Plan – Sheila to review mission statement.
Holiday Bazaar updates: Flyer has been posted and shared with
Little Lakes Community Center. This year for refreshments, we are
Only offering water and cider.
Adjourned – 7:55
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Honeoye Public Library Board of Trustees
Minutes for the Meeting of October 18, 2023
Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Sheila Jones, Robin Healy and
Cynthia Langkamp
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:13 PM
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Robin to adopt
agenda, seconded by Thelma. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – September. Motion made by Janet,
seconded by Thelma. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Marilyn Passer – Update on performances. This
was the first year the Rotary held performances every Friday night.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for September. Cynthia moved to
accept paid bills, seconded by Janet. Robin moved to accept the treasurer’s
report, seconded by Cynthia. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
Musical garden quote – $55,000 per Andy
Frank Lloyd Wright Portfolio
A Christmas Program is already being planned. Please let me know
If you would like to help out.
Great increase in our number of programs now that everyone is
Settled into their fall schedules.
Lots of traction of posts on facebook.
New Business:
Pamphlet holder – Want to remove. This is okay by trustees.
Closed Dates – approved closing dates for 2024.
Mats – Bob cleaned mats that were in the foyer.
Lighting update – $210.00 – Lights out front now work.
Phone quote – Empire is coming through Honeoye. Will get a quote
From Empire. $29.95 guaranteed for three years.
Fax – $24.95 guaranteed for three years. We would charge $1.00
Per page. Trustees approved.
Funding update – Budget
Town of Richmond budget workshop October 11th.
Letter to supervisors – Signed by Trustees.
Long Range Plan – Sheila to review mission statement.
Bazaar updates:
Receiving donations on a daily basis.
Official dates of Sales – Saturday November 18th 9:00-3:00
Sunday November 19th – 11:00-3:00(half price sales)
Power wash building – $738.00 – have this done after construction
Is complete. We will have this done in the spring.
Adjourned – 8:10
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, November 8 , 2023 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Honeoye Public Library Board of Trustees
Minutes for the Meeting of September 13, 2023
Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Mary Boite, Sheila Jones, Robin Healy and
Cynthia Langkamp
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Robin to adopt
agenda, seconded by Sheila. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – August. Motion made by Robin, seconded
by Janet. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Janelle’s library anniversary is September 9th.
She started in 2019. New water fountain is installed.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for August. Mary moved to accept paid
bills, seconded by Janet. Cynthia moved to accept the treasurer’s report,
seconded by Mary. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
Musical garden quote – $55,000 per Andy
Long Range Plan – Due this year. It will cover years 2024-2026.
We will review changes and/or additions at our next meeting.
Frank Lloyd Wright Portfolio – We are checking with another book collector in
regards to selling the portfolio.
Open House/Back to School Bash – 8/31 4:30-8:30. Thelma and
Sheila attended.
Lots of good feedback and many ideas for more programs.
A Christmas Program is already being planned. Please let me know
If you would like to help out.
New Business:
Can we combine all the forms of donations on the budget?
No, we need to have them separate for our state report. Funding Update
– Budget.
Packets to towns.
Annual report to towns
Meeting with Supervisors
Canadice 8/30 at 2:30
Richmond 8/30 at 3:15
South Bristol 8/31 at 10:00
Canadice 9/11 at 7:30
Drinking fountain was leaking.
7/22 – turned off water and electricity to the unit. Waiting on Carl
To fix the unit when he is available.
8/1 – Carl came to check out the water fountain. The unit is
Completely corroded.
8/24 – Anne Coon donated $1000 toward the new water fountain.
8/29 – Carl is ordering the unit and will install 9/6.
Bazaar updates.
Flyers to post around town.
Drop off dates – 9/6 through 11/2.
Official dates of Sales – Saturday November 18th 9:00-3:00
Sunday November 19th – 11:00-3:00(half price sales.
Adjourned – 7:30.
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Honeoye Public Library Board of Trustees
Minutes for the Meeting of August , 2023
Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Sheila Jones, Robin Healy and
Cynthia Langkamp
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Robin to adopt
agenda, seconded by Thelma. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – June. Motion made by Robin, seconded
by Janet. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for June and July. Cynthia moved to
accept paid bills, seconded by Thelma. Thela moved to accept the treasurer’s
report, seconded by Robin. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
Musical garden quote – $55,000 per Andy
10th Anniversary for the addition and our 120th anniversary for the library.
Sandy Stone passed away May 13th.
Table from Naples – Thank you Mary and Tom for picking it up.
Summer Reading – July 1st through August 12th. – 50 kids
May offer up the Summer Reading program as a part time job.
New Business:
Long Range Plan – Due this year. 2024-2026. Review for next l
Meeting. Additions and Changes for next meeting.
Funding Update – Budget
Drinking fountain was leaking:
7/22 – turned off water and electricity to the unit. Carl to fix when
He is available. Unit is completely corroded. Needs to be
Will get pricing for replacing and or upgrading.
Book Sale – total of $660.
Furnace questions and updates – We cannot use existing geo-thermal.
Adjourned – 7:55
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Honeoye Public Library Board of Trustees
Minutes for the Meeting of June 14, 2023
Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Sheila Jones, Mary Boite and
Cynthia Langkamp
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Thelma to adopt
agenda, seconded by Janet. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – May. Motion made by Thelma, seconded
by Sheila. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Annual Report will not be mailed.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for May. Janet moved to accept paid
bills, seconded by Cynthia. Mary moved to accept the treasurer’s report,
seconded by Janet. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
New Business:
Programs/Meetings: Preparations have begun for summer reading.
Title: All Together Now. Summer reading will be from July 1st through August
By Law Updates – Janet and Mary
All Inclusive Musical Garden – funding, insurance and Town
Permits. Waiting for a quote.
Long Range Plan – Due this year. 2024-2026. Review for next l
Meeting. Additions and Changes for next meeting.
Funding for 2024, Charter 2025, Updating Policies.
10th Anniversary for the new addition and our 120th Anniversary
For the library. Do we want to have a celebration?
Policy Update
Conflict of Interest and Whistle Blower Policy – Motion was made by
Janet to accept with minor changes, second by Cynthia.
Motion was passed unanimously.
Funding update – Cynthia
Will pick up a new table for the library from Naples Library.
Adjourned – 8:00
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Honeoye Public Library Board of Trustees
Minutes for the Meeting of March 8, 2023
Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Mary Boite, Robin Healy, Sheila
Jones and Cynthia Langkamp.
Guest: Marilyn Passer, Linda Evenski
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:08 PM
Performance Update: All performances have been booked. Their will be 8
performances this year. Janelle is helping with letters. Donation flier at the
library desk.
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Thelma to adopt
agenda, seconded by Cynthia. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – February. Robin approved minutes from
February seconded by Thelma. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for February. Motion made by Cynthia,
seconded by Mary. Approve February financial report. Motion made by Mary,
seconded by Thelma. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
By-Laws update – By-Laws update. On going.
All inclusive Musical Garden, funding, insurance and town permits.
Policy Update – No new policy this month.
Programs: Defensive drivers course – April 15th
CPR Class – April 22nd. Giving Quarterly. A lot of interest.
There is no charge. 18 persons.
New Business:
Trustee updates – Vote – Leave jobs as listed.
President – Janet Dys, Vice President – Mary Boite
Treasurer – Robin Healy and Secretary – Cynthia Langkamp
Aunt Flo – Received Grant – Installed on 2/15/2023
Vouchers, contracts and letters sent to towns 12/26/2022
Canadice – received $27,489 on 1/10/2023
Richmond – received $90,000 on 2/21/2023
South Bristol – received $3075.00 on 1/10/2023
Plumber – Carl Fisher- urinal – increased flow.
Heating – Fleming. John and Tim. Estimate for air conditioner.
Furnace – get quotes for gas and electric. NY would like to convert to
electric heat in 10 years. Need three quotes.
Notary Training – class completed. Unsure if we are going to
Proceed with notary.
Amazon Smile is no longer a donation possibility.
Donation wish list
Volunteer wish list
Grant – Sign paperwork.
Adjourned – 8:00 PM
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Minutes for the Meeting of February 8, 2023

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Mary Boite and Cynthia
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:06 PM
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Thelma to adopt agenda,
seconded by Cynthia. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – January. Thelma approved minutes from
January seconded by Cynthia. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Welcome Sheila Jones as a new trustee. Janet
made a motion to accept Sheila, seconded by Mary.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for January. Motion made by Cynthia,
seconded by Thelma. Approve January financial report. Motion made by Mary,
seconded by Thelma. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
By-Laws update – By-Laws update. On going.
All inclusive Musical Garden, funding, insurance and town permits.
Programs: Meetings with Muller Station to set up programs
During winter breaks.
Meeting with Benjamin Faulter from the Ontario County Historical
Possibly becoming a satellite office for Ontario County for all their
Planning to fill the week of break with activities for kids(Both winter
And spring break.
Forest School – Cummings Nature Center.
New Business:
Aunt Flo – Received Grant – waiting on supplies.
Vouchers, contracts and letters sent to towns 12/26/2022
Canadice – received $27,489 on 1/10/2023
South Bristol – received $3075.00 on 1/10/2023
Fine Free – 29 libraries are already fine free. Should we consider
Making the change to fine free when we complete our 259?
Collected $750 in fines for 2022.
New People counter has been installed in the side door and a chime
that alerts the clerks of patrons entering the building. 2/1/2023.
Plumber – Carl Fisher- urinal – flow was low. Carl fixed at no charge.
Printer(2019) – Serviced by Toshiba – ordered more toner. Part of
The $90 charge for the printer includes having it serviced.
Heating – Fleming. John and Tim. Estimate for air conditioner.
Furnace – get quotes for gas and electric. NY would like to convert to
electric heat in 10 years.
Notary Training – One class complete. One to go. Only allowed
charge $2 for notary services.
Adjourned – 7:45
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Minutes for the Meeting of December 21, 2022

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Robin Healy, Mary Boite and
Cynthia Langkamp

Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 5:35 PM
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Mary to adopt agenda,
seconded by Cynthia. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – November. Cynthia approved minutes from
November seconded by Janet. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Floors look awesome. Thank you Thelma.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for November. Motion made by Cynthia,
seconded by Robin. Approve November financial report. Motion made by
Cynthia, seconded by Mary. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
By-Laws update  Review newest update by next meeting.
Honeoye Public Library Draft Charter.
Recipes for cookbook – Cookbooks have been received. They look great. Giving
them as gifts to our volunteers.
Policy Update – None.
New Business:
Meeting with Allens Hill and Ron – November 22, 2022 at 2:00 PM.
Both directors and presidents will be present as well as Ron to run
Though all the options available to the two libraries.
Grant opportunities
Aunt Flo – Applied for grant. 12 of the 42 libraries will receive it for
Free for the year then he annual upkeep for it after that will be
Approximately $200. If we don’t qualify for the grant we are
Interested in purchasing the dispenser and products. The dispenser
Is $200 plus the $200 for the product.
Grants for Small and Rural Libraries – There is a lot of money
DLD wish list for construction 2023 – 2027. Potential construction
Grant by 2027.
All inclusive Musical Garden – funding, insurance and town permits.
Insurance would need an itemized list of all instruments that would be covered.
Catalog available to check out the equipment and colors available.
Holiday Bazaar update – $1660.75 (-$200 for rental of LL Community Center).
Last year we totaled $1190.00. We would like to have the Holiday Bazaar at the
LL Community Center next year.
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Minutes for the Meeting of November 9, 2022

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Robin Healy, Mary Boite Whitney Cornish and Cynthia Langkamp.
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:02 PM
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Robin to adopt agenda, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – October. Mary approved minutes from October seconded by Thelma. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression –
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for October. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Robin. Approve October financial report. Motion made by Thelma, seconded by Janet. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
By-Laws update –
By-Laws update. Ready for the next meeting.
Recipes for cookbook – proofing recipes.
Teen advisory board to meet November 17, at 2:30. Considering a time capsule.
Policy Update – Personnel Policy. Motion to approve Personnel Policy made by
Janet seconded by Mary with approved changes.
New Business:
Leak in meeting room 8/29/2022 – Crack in meeting room due to leak.
Contacted Firestone building supplies with our warranty information. Roof
inspected by FL contractors on 8/30/2022.
Call made to company on 10/18 and 11/7
All inclusive Musical Garden – funding, insurance and town permits.
Insurance would need an itemized list of all instruments that would be covered.
Meeting with the architect on Friday.
Holiday Bazaar update: Bazaar is being held on November 19, from 9-3 at the
Little Lakes Community Center.
Grant opportunities: Aunt Flo – grant
Grants for Small and Rural Libraries. American Library Association (ALA)
Meeting with Allens Hill with Ron – November 22nd at 2:00PM
Both directors and presidents will be present as well as Ron to run through all the options available to the two libraries.
Increase in minimum wage in January 2023 to $14.20
Adjourned: 7:37
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Minutes for the Meeting of October 12, 2022

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Robin Healy, Mary Boite and Cynthia Langkamp.
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:10 PM
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Cynthia to adopt agenda, seconded by Robin. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – September. Robin approved minutes from September seconded by Janet. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Question was brought up if our employees feel
safe when the door off lobby is open at night. We have the area under surveillance.

Budget meeting Janelle, Robin and Janet.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for September with correction to Demso. Should be $126.98 not 12,698.00. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Mary. Approve September financial report. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Thelma. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
By-Laws update
By-Laws update. Review the charter that was distributed last month.
Recipes for cookbooks – still need 10 more recipes.
Teen Advisory Board to meet October 15th at 12:00.
Policy Update – Ethic Statement for Public Library Trustees – Motion was made to accept by Janet, second by Mary with changes.
Code of Ethics for Librarians and Library Employees – Motion was made to accept by Mary, seconded by Robin. Motions were passed unanimously.
Programs: We have had an incredible full schedule for programs and educational seminars this past month and its going to stay that way through the New Year.
New Business:
Window broken by mower – Replaced on 9/20/22
Leak in meeting room 8/29/2022 – Contacted Firestone building supplies with our warranty information. Roof inspected by FL contractors on 8/30/2022. Leftmessage with Firestone.
All inclusive Musical Garden – funding, insurance and town permits. Insurance would need an itemized list of all instruments that would be covered.

Town of Richmond Budget workshop was attended 10/3/2022 at 7PM by Janet, Robin and Janelle. We were able to secure funding for 2023.
We need someone to attend the 10/14/2022 meeting to make sure that nothing changes in regards to our funding. One change that I told them we’d make is that we’d stay open later on
Wednesday so that the kids have access to the library after school. This will not
begin until January and will probably stay in place during the school year.

Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Minutes for the Meeting of September 14th, 2022

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Robin Healy, and Cynthia Langkamp. Guest: Marilyn Passer
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:07 PM
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Cynthia to adopt agenda, seconded by Robin. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – August. Robin approved minutes from August seconded by Thelma. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Book sale every Saturday in October.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for August. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Thelma. Donations received should be $192.50 not $792.50. Approve August financial report. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Thelma. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
By-Laws update –
By-Laws update. The newest are in our folders. Please be ready for the next meeting.
Friends of HPL – Liz Walsh
Programs: Summer Reading program is in full swing with over 50 kids and adults registered. End of summer Ice Cream Party at the lake with over 30 in attendance. All three libraries were there.
Many programs are planned for the coming months. Patrons like to take the crafts home which is great.
New Business:

Performance Update: Marilyn Passer attended our meeting to give us an update on performances. Next year they will be doing 8 performances.
Everyone who attended had a good time. The library was thanked for their support. Safety concerns brought up by patrons. Ask for help directing traffic. Think about a time change. Relocate to school or Sandy Bottom where there is more parking.
Window broken by mower. Trying to get estimates to have it fixed. The town will be covering the bill. Window has been ordered and will be in the shop on 9/6/22. Not yet installed.
Circulation email was hacked. PLS and their legal team are taking care of this situation. We are updating all our passwords and making sure this will not happen again.
Electricity updated – 8/22/2022 four outlets installed or upgraded in the main building to prevent the usage of so many wires and surge protectors.
Solar discount should take effect within the next 2 months. This will get 10% off our bill.
Leak in meeting room 8/29/2022 – Contacted Firestone building supplies with
our warranty information. Roof inspected by FL contractors on 8/30/2022. Roof buckled due to heat.
Back to school Bash was on September 1st. Thanks to everyone who attended. Janelle was able to connect with other venues at the Bash.
30 recipes short for the cookbook!! Please send recipes.
Library Teen Advisory Board – Ages 12 to 17 years old. They would meet once every three months.
All inclusive Musical Garden –
funding, insurance and town permits.
Robin would like to take on this project. It is a great idea.
Attended Canadice Town Meeting via zoom on 9/12/2022.
: 7:55 PM.
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Minutes for the Meeting of August 10, 2022

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Mary Boite, Robin Healy, and Cynthia Langkamp.
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Mary to adopt agenda, seconded by Robin. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – July. Correction regarding puppet shows should have been Grins not Grim. Robin approved minutes from July with corrections, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – People have been using the bench outside. Also, chairs in the foyer under tile mosaic look great.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for July. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Mary. Approve July financial report. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Robin. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business:
By-Laws update
By-Laws update. Mary and Janet met. We will be given updates at our next meeting.
Friends of HPL – Liz Walsh
Policy update – Library Aide Job Description. Last updated 9/15/2014.
Review – will be updated
Summer Reading Program in full swing with over 50 kids and adults registered. End of summer Ice Cream party at the lake held at Sandy Bottom on 8/20/2022 – 11-12.
New Business:
Performances – There were 200 attendees for the first concert and 85 attendees for the second concert. Hemlock Fair was going on for the second concert.
Window broken by mower. Will get estimates to have it fixed. The town will be covering the bill. This was an accident.
Change in staffing. Courtney will become the Senior Clerk.
Update on discussion with Ron Kirsop.
Info from the DLD – Division of Library Development.
Policies – Should be the responsibility of the trustees according to the handbook on page 38. Volunteers to take over the binder and the upkeep. Look at policies for next month.
Signed up the library for the solar program. Should save us 10% on the electric bill.
Programs for Social Services – Medicare(monthly) Social Security and Defensive Driving.
Adjourned: 7:30 PM.
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Minutes for the Meeting of July 20, 2022

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Mary Boite, Robin Healy, Thelma Mattice and Cynthia Langkamp

Guest:  Ron Kirsop

Meeting with Ron regarding discussions about charter and funding called to order at 6:00 PM.

Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM

Adoption of Agenda –  Mary made a motion to adopt the agenda, seconded by Cynthia.  Motion was passed unanimously.

Approval of prior meeting minutes – June.  Thelma made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Robin.  Motion was passed unanimously.

Period of Public Expression

Treasurer’s Report –  Approve paid bills for June.  Motion made by Robin, seconded by Cynthia.  Approve June financial report.  Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Mary.  Motions were passed unanimously.

Old Business

By-Laws Update-

Door adjustment was done for free.

Temporary Story Walks are greatly appreciated by the kids.

Annual Report has been sent out – 630 copies.

Friends of library – Liz Walsh.

Online programs will continue.

Summer Reading Program in full swing with over 50 kids and adults registered.

Grace and Grins puppet program 7/18/2022 – 11 attendees.

New Business

Policies – Is the responsibility of the trustees according to the handbook on page 38.  Volunteers to take over the binder and upkeep of policies.

Look at policies for next month.

Adjourned – 8:00 PM

Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 6PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia Langkamp

Minutes for the Meeting of June 8, 2022

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Mary Boite, Robin Healy, Thelma Mattice and Cynthia Langkamp.
Guest: Liz Walsh

Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:06 PM.
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Cynthia to adopt agenda, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – May. Robin approved minutes from May, seconded by Thelma. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Home School. Use of meeting rooms starting next school year. Every Wednesday from 9-2. Since this will be weekly, consider charging for the room. Look at requirements for use of facilities.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for May. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Thelma. Approve May financial report. Motion made by Mary, seconded by Robin. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business –
By-Laws Update
Josh Clark – Work done on railing 6/5/2022.
Online programs will continue.
Gearing up for the summer season and coordinating with AH and BRI libraries.
New Business
Friends of the Honeoye Public Library – Liz Walsh – guest.
Page 74 & 75 of the Library Handbook. Need to see if they need a separate charter. Does the size of the library matter?
Purpose – Awareness and Needs of the library.
Options for changing the charter
Change Trustee Term from 5 years to 3 years. Cynthia made a motion to change trustee term from 5 to 3 years, seconded by Janet.
Motion was passed unanimously.
Meeting with Ron Kirsop on July 20th during our regular meeting. Please be prepared with your questions.
Estimate for floor scrubbers – Found them locally at Home Depot for $350 a week. We have a volunteer who would be willing to clean the floors.
Carl Fisher – Hot Water Heater – 6/1/2022 – $837.00 – 10 Gallon.
Temporary Story Walks – 10 different stories in rotation between the 9 different locations.
Door adjustment – getting estimates.
Annual Report to town. Working on sending it out.
Town Board meeting update.
Adjustments to the budget suggested.
Possible new trustee – start asking around.
We need to think about charging for faxes.
Adjourned: 8:05 PM
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 6 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary

Minutes for the Meeting of May 11, 2022

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Mary Boite, Robin Healy, Thelma Mattice and Cynthia Langkamp
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Cynthia to adopt agenda, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – March. Mary approved minutes from March, seconded by Robin. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Door leading out of the HB room swings the correct way.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for March and April. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Robin. Approve March and April financial report. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Mary. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
By-Laws update – Mary and Janet.
Pest Management inquiry – Current coverage every 3 months at $120.00 per visit.
Each visit includes spraying inside and out for all mainline insects and rodents including spiders, mud dauber wasps and silverfish, which particularly like books. The pesticides break down after 3-4 months.
The flat rate that we currently pay guarantees free additional Coverage between visits. If we’d like to change our coverage he’s more than willing to work our budget.
OWWL Telecommunications – it’s basically our internet that we get through PLS -because we get it all bundled together and pay for it all at once, we get a great deal on a great internet.

Online programs will continue.
Gearing up for the summer season and coordinating with AH and BRI libraries.
New Business:
Josh Clark – proposal for railing – $296.00
Roy White – $25,000 inside and out for waterproofing.
Working with the Art Teacher and clubs from school to redo the mural.
Community Cookbook project – Robin – We have until August and can submit up to three recipes.
Lighting upgrade for outside of the building. Grant through National Grid. Paperwork signed and waiting to hear from the contractors to have the 6 lights replaced.
Holiday Bazaar Ideas – Boutique area with higher priced items to draw a different
crowd and more money.
Can we get rid of the Holiday Bazaar bank account? Yes. Motion made by Janet to no longer have a separate bank account for the Holiday Bazaar, second by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Basement reorganization almost complete.
Estimate for floor scrubbers. This is for next year.
Carl Fisher installed a sink in the basement on 4/7/2022.
May 20th – Garden clean up.
Temporary Story Walks – Traveling Story Walks – 9 libraries.
Budget for 2023.
Annual Report to town.
Town Board meeting update – To fix Mill Creek to prevent flooding. Daryl Marshall, State and Federal agencies involved with the flooding issues. We need to think about charging for faxes.
Adjourned: 8:00 PM.
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, June 8, 2022 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Minutes for the Meeting of March 16, 2022

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Mary Boite, Robin Healy, Whitney Cornish,Thelma Mattice and Cynthia Langkamp
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Robin to adopt agenda, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – February. Mary approved minutes from February , seconded by Robin. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression –
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for February . Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Mary. Approve February financial report. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Mary. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
Town of Richmond – FEMA – Nothing to report.
By-Laws update – Changing the term length from 5 years to 3 years.
Shelving deposit has been made. Should be delivered either Friday or Tuesday
The shelves will need to be stained and a clear coat put on them. We have someone who will do this for us.
Big Talk from Small Libraries Conference was held 2/25/2022.
Lots of great ideas. The clerks will be watching several for sdditional ideas as well.
Online programs will continue.
Continuing all the programs and meetings with masking and distancing required.

New Business:
Flood Review and Plan of Action –

Roy White – Started work on basement 12/28/2021.
Phase one is complete -$11,120.
Project completed 2/20/2022 and paid.
After all work is completed, they will be back in the spring to clean up lawn.
Town Contributions arrived:
Canadice – 1/18/2022 for $26,303.00 as proposed.
South Bristol – 1/18/2022 for $2,985.00 as proposed.
Richmond – 3/9/2022 for $86,000.00 – less than proposed.
Josh Clark – proposal for railing – $296.00
Lighting upgrade for outside of the building. Grant through National Grid. Explore possibilities.
Employee Handbook
New Long Range Plan. – 2023. Need to start thinking what we would like to see, for our library, over the next 5-10 years.
Spring/Easter Sale – Month of April. Starting the first full week in April.
Meeting with Assemblyman Gallahan – March 9th. Janet, Thelma and Cynthia represented the library.
The one point that came to bear is that we need to request and get more funds for the library. Need to keep the library sustainable.
Adjourned: 7:30

Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, April 13, 2022 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Minutes for the Meeting of February 9, 2022

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Mary Boite, Robin Healy, Thelma Mattice and Cynthia Langkamp
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:02 PM.
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Cynthia to adopt agenda, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes –  January. Thelma approved minutes from January, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Ron will join us for a zoom meeting when he is available.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for January. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Thelma. Approve January financial report. Motion made by Mary, seconded by Cynthia. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
Town of Richmond – FEMA – Letter to town supervisor 11/10/21.
By-Laws update – paused.
Shelving deposit has been made. Should be complete by March.
Half the monies will be taken from the Memorial Fund.
Online programs will continue.
Continuing all the programs and meetings with masking and distancing required.
Planning for new take home programs underway.
2/23 Big program -PLS
New Business:
Flood Review and Plan of Action –
Roy White – Started work on basement 12/28/2021.
Phase one is complete -$11,120.
Phase two starting 2/9/2022 – including closing door, drain, and switching doors.
After all work is completed, they will be back in the spring to clean up lawn.
Once Roy’s portion is completed, Janelle will be working with a couple that helped the Geneseo Library with their flooding issues and to obtain a grant to cover the majority of the cost.
Spencer Shumway issued a formal letter stating that we are allowed to close in the door.
Advertising – Owl Light is quarterly. Should we now consider the Pennysaver?
We have been added to the free library section in the Pennysaver with our hours.
We can also call each week with updated events and programs.
Town Contributions arrived:
Canadice – 1/18/2022 for $26,303.00 as proposed.
South Bristol – 1/18/2022 for $2,985.00 as proposed.
Richmond – Revised contract received for $86,000.00.
Last year received $84,317.00.
Katie’s Rep. – case closed.
Shelving for the meeting room – on hold until other shelving comes in and everything is reorganized.
Performance donations have been sent out and they have had quite a return.
Change in next month’s meeting date due to Janelle being on vacation for a week. Emily will cover for Janelle when she is on vacation.
Grant FFRPL – See letter.

Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Minutes for the Meeting of January 12, 2022

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Mary Boite, Robin Healy Thelma Mattice and Cynthia Langkamp
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM.
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Cynthia to adopt agenda, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – December. Thelma approved minutes from December, seconded by Janet. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression –
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for December. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Thelma. Approve December financial report. Motion made by Mary, seconded by Robin. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
Town of Richmond – FEMA – Letter to town supervisor 11/10/21.
Grant Ideas: Monies for grant in January.
By-Laws update – Mary and Janet plus the charter.  Changing the term length from 5 to 3 years.
Shelving deposit has been made. Should be complete by March.
Half the monies will be taken from the Memorial Fund.
Online programs will continue.
Booktalkers will be starting in February due to COVID concerns.
New Business:
Discuss and vote on trustees: President – Janet Dys, Vice President – Mary Boite, Treasurer – Robin Healy and Secretary – Cynthia Langkamp
Motion was passed unanimously.

Flood Review and Plan of Action –
Roy White – Started work on basement 12/28/2021.
Advertising – Owl Light is quarterly. Should we now consider the Pennysaver for advertising? Need to find out how much it would cost for advertising.
2021 Donation totals – $7582.00($4825.00 from Annual Report)
Letters and vouches sent to the towns for 1/3/2022. This is for the budget.
Rearranging the basement to move all the Bazaar sorting and organizing to the
“Mike’s Office”
A. Utilize the children’s section of book sale space for the banana boxes.
B. Utilize the New section of the basement as book sale sorting and to process recycling.
C. Utilize the central section for more book sale space and storage. Carl Fisher came to replace a leaky faucet in the women’s bathroom on 1/6/2022.
Three new computers installed on 1/6/2022. Matt from PLS installed.
Three new printers will be ordered since our old ones are now outdated. These
are the receipt printers.
Employee Handbook Project – PLS is putting out an Employee Handbook for all 42 libraries. Will get more information at Friday’s meeting with PLS.

Adjourned – 7:20
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 6PM with Ron Kirsop.
Ron to have the first hour of the meeting remotely.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Minutes for the Meeting of December 15, 2021

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Mary Boite, Tim Rock, Robin Healy Thelma Mattice and Cynthia Langkamp
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Robin to adopt agenda, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – November. Mary made the motion with the corrections, seconded by Thelma. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Thank you Tim and Amy for all support over the years as a trustee.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for November. Motion made by Robin, seconded by Tim. Approve November financial report. Motion made by Tim, seconded by Thelma. Motions were passed unanimously. We will be going back to the Treasurer signing checks. This is to protect the
director. Utility bills will still be signed by the director.
Old Business
Town of Richmond – FEMA – Letter to town supervisor 11/10/21.
Grant Ideas: Monies for grant in January.
By-Laws update – Mary and Janet
Trustees for the new year (Tim and Amy). Any new suggestions. Changing the term length from 5 to 3 years. People’s biggest concern about being a trustee was the commitment of 5 years.
Online programs will continue.
Pictures with Santa – 12/17 from 5-7.
New Business:
Tim’s duties – We will need a new treasurer. Keys – Cynthia will get a set of keys.
SG Security
Flood Review and Plan of Action –
Roy White – Will start in late December. We had to push him back because he wanted to start a couple of days before the bazaar and there would have been limited access to the basement.
Ben Ward completed work on the down spouts. 11/12/2021
Spencer Shumway – We will ask for a formal letter from Spencer to close the door near the HB room.
Letter being drafted for the state in support of our town and their attempt to work with DOT and DEC to fix flooding issues. Tim and Mary are working together on this.
Town Budget Workshop – waiting on a date.
Holiday Bazaar – $1190.00
New Shelving – $7000 – 72x20x62 – we would get two bookshelves, plus one over the fish tank. A suggestion was made to consider using some monies from the Memorial Fund for the bookshelves. Tim made the motion to approve getting new book shelves, second by Cynthia. Motion was passed unanimously

Adjourned – 7:00
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 6PM with Ron Kirsop.
Ron to have the first hour of the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Minutes for the Meeting of November 10, 2021

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Mary Boite, Tim Rock, Robin Healy and Cynthia Langkamp
Guests: Marilyn Passer and Linda Evenski
The Rotarians will be taken over Performances. We will run the program under the library so that the Rotary can be under our insurance. Starting in 2022 the Rotary will only do 4 performances.
Performance committee: Marilyn Passer, Linda Evenski, Gary Hubble and Brent Ames.
Rotary has a list of possible donors. We will give them the library’s past donors list. There is $5520.47 in the Performance checking account. Canadice has committed $500 for Performances.
We will publish this event as a joint between the Rotary and the Library.
Propose motion to accept partnership with Rotary under the Library for performances. Motion made by Tim, accepted by Robin.
Motion was passed unanimously .
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM.
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Mary to adopt agenda, seconded by Robin. Motion was passed unanimously.
Executive Session – Gift Certificates for Emily and Katie – $50.00.
Bookkeeper and Custodian- $25.00. We have 7 volunteers to give gift certificates to a local business.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – October. Tim made the motion with the correction of Jim Berner name, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Ron Kirsop will be here on January 13th. What do we want to discuss? Constitution and By-Laws.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for October. Motion made by Tim, seconded by Cynthia. Approve October financial report. Motion made by Mary, seconded by Robin. Motions were passed unanimously.
We will be going back to the Treasurer signing checks. This is to protect the director. Utility bills will still be signed by the director.
Old Business
Town of Richmond – FEMA – talked with the town supervisor and some suggestions were made to divert the water.
Grant Ideas: Audiobooks for all ages. Special Education Books. Local Authors.
Trustees for the new year (Tim and Amy). Jim Berner is interested. Checking with Melanie Braun. We need to think of anyone else who might be interested in becoming a trustee.
Online programs will continue.
New Business:
Treasurer position for the upcoming year.
Discussion of trustee training – Janet
Basement flooded on 10/26/2021 and 10/29/2021. The basement has been monitored since to make sure all the dehumidifiers are fully functioning.
Mop-a-thon has been scheduled for 11/13/2021 from 9 until 1pm. Only one person signed up. We will contact Jacob to help mop the floor.
The last book sale that was supposed to happen, on 10/29/2021. We will schedule a book sale for November.
Flood Review and Plan of Action –
Roy White – See proposal. Check for fire signs.
Tim made a motion to accept the proposal from Roy White, seconded by Mary.
Motion was passed unanimously.
Spencer Shumway – We will ask for a formal letter from Spencer to close the door near the HB room.
Repair of exterior electrical box – moved box on 10/292021 and returned to patch and plate the opening. Invoice from Josh Clarke $1501.50.
Tim made a motion to pay Josh Clarke, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Met with Ben Ward to discuss options for the downspouts. 11/4/2021.
Waiting for an update from Ben Ward.
Letter being drafted for the state in support of our town and their attempt to work with DOT and DEC to fix flooding issues. Tim and Mary are working together on this.
Town Board Meeting – November 1st. Attended with Tim and Mary.
Holiday Bazaar – Will be on December 4, 2021.
Bylaws update – ongoing process.

Adjourned – 8:20 PM.
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, December 8, 2021 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Minutes for the Meeting of October 13, 2021

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Mary Boite Tim Rock and Cynthia Langkamp

Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:07 PM
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Tim to adopt agenda, seconded by Thelma. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – September. Mary made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Thelma. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Nice Weather.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for September. Motion made by Mary, seconded by Thelma. Approve September financial report. Motion made by Tim, seconded by Janet. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
Town of Richmond – FEMA – Will not hear anything unless DEC comes to town.
Grant Ideas: Audiobooks for all ages. Special Education Books. Local Authors.
Trustees for the new year (Tim and Amy). Jim Berger is interested. We need to think of anyone else who might be interested in becoming a trustee.
Online programs will continue.
Regular programming has been reintroduced. More to come in the new year.
Book Talkers will be starting in January. Emily Pecora will lead this program.
Rotary is interested in taking over Performances. Janelle will give them all the information that we have.
New Business:
Flood Review and Plan of Action – Contacted Roy White for an estimate. Will get back to us soon. Spencer Shumway – We will ask for a formal letter from Spencer to close the door near the HB room.
Repair of exterior electrical box. Estimate from Josh Clark.
Library Hop – September 18th. – Turned out great. Make this an annual event.
Town Board Meeting – September 13th – 7pm – South Bristol attended with Janet.
September 13th – 7:30 – Candice – attended with Thelma.
September 14th – 7pm – Richmond – Mary attended. Will attend upcoming budget meetings.
Free Direct Access Plan –
2022 Closing dates approval – we offer 4 paid holidays.
Employee Annual Review – Emily and Katie were both done the same day.
Holiday Bazaar – Will be on December 4, 2021.
Bylaws update – Mary and Janet will update and present to the Library Board.
Adjourned – 8:00 PM.
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Minutes for the Meeting of September 8, 2021

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Amy Sharp, Whitney Cornish,Mary Boite and Cynthia Langkamp
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:10 PM
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion made by Cynthia to adopt agenda, seconded by Amy. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – August. Tim made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Kids are back to school in person.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for August. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Thelma. Approve August financial report. Motion made by Mary, seconded by Amy. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
Town of Richmond – FEMA – No word
Grant Ideas: Audiobooks for all ages. Special Education Books. Local Authors. Great Courses.
Online programs will continue.
Regular programming to begin in September – big ad going in the paper.
New Business:
Flood Review and Plan of Action – Dumpster for basement. Cleaned out on 8/28 – $300.00.
Contacted Roy White for an estimate. Will get back to us soon. Consider removing the door to the HB room permanently.
Repair of exterior electrical box. Estimate from Josh Clark. Need to coordinate with SG to remove the security panel. Quote from Josh Clark looks good. Tim moved to contact Clark Contractors and coordinate with SG to accept their bid. Seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Library Hop – September 18th.
Trustees for the new year – Tim and Amy – Someone who can come regularly.
Possible trustees – Melanie Braun and Jim Berger.
Upcoming Town Board Meetings – September 13th 7PM – South Bristol,
September 13th 7:30PM – Canadice and September 14th 7PM Richmond.

Adjourned – 8:00 PM.
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 6PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp

Minutes for the Meeting of August 18, 2021

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Amy Sharp, Whitney Cornish, Mary Boite Tim Rock, Robin Healy, and Cynthia Langkamp
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM
Executive Meeting called to order at 6:05. Regarding giving Janelle a raise and doing a Director Evaluation. Adjourned 6:25.
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – July. Robin made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Amy. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression –
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for July. Motion made by Cynthia,
seconded by Thelma. Approve July financial report. Motion made by Mary,
seconded by Amy. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business
Town of Richmond – FEMA – No word
Paving – July 25th in the afternoon. Looks great.
Grant Ideas: Audiobooks for all ages. Special Education Books.
Local Authors. Great Courses.
Online programs will continue.
Regular programming to begin in September – big ad going in the paper.
New Business
Summer Reading has begun – 42 registered so far.
July Bag Book Sale – $600.00
Letter to town boards regarding budget.
Review and approve budget for 2022. Add a footnote.
Annual Report – Sample to edit before sending to printers.
Flood Review and Plan of action – One time use of getting a dumpster for the basement.  Door Dams – Approximately $650/door just for the dam and side rails.
This will be a problem once silt gets into the rails. Will make it difficult to lift our door dams. Consider removing the door to the HB room permanently.
Repair of exterior electrical box. Meeting with a new electrician on 8/9. Tim will get quotes and availability. Work will need to be done on a Friday.
Get the drain checked and repaired if needed. Possibly add an external valve to drain to stop water from backing into building. $20 unit.
Open House/Library hop – September 2 from 5:30 – 7:00. Consider adding Allen’s Hill Library to the library hop.
Trustees for the new year. Tim and Amy – recommendations?
New shelving – considering purchasing two more book shelves for next year.
Need to be priced out.
Front door repair – 8/15 $226.80.
Adjourned – 8:00 PM.
Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, September8, 2021 at 6PM.

Minutes for the Meeting of July 14, 2021

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Thelma Mattice, Amy Sharp, Whitney Cornish, Mary Boite and Cynthia Langkamp
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:10 PM
Adoption of Agenda – Cynthia made a motion to adopt the agenda, seconded by Amy. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – June. Amy made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Whitney. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – July 31st. Pull plants from front garden.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve paid bills for June. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Amy. Approve June financial report. Motion made by Mary, seconded by Mary. Motions were passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Town of Richmond – FEMA – No word
Replace plastic electrical piping with metal. Waiting for Amir.
Paving – July 17th in the afternoon. After library closes.
Grant Ideas: Audiobooks for all ages. Special Education Books. Local Authors. Great Courses.
Fire inspection – Batteries changed out by Robert Spraque 6/17. Called for reinspection. Have not heard back from town.
Lost items – down to 22 items.
Online programs will continue.
Regular programming to begin in September – big ad going in paper.
New Business:
Summer Reading has begun – 38 registered so far.
July Bag Book Sale – Great start $350 on the first two weekends.
Letter to town boards regarding budget – Anything to add, contact Janet.
Review and approve budget for 2022. Review for next month.
Performances – Town is interested in taking this over.
Adjourned – 7:30

Next Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, August 11, 2021 at 6PM.

Minutes for the Meeting of June 9, 2021

Janelle Speca, Mary Boite, Janet Dys, Robin Healy, Tim Rock, Amy Sharp and Cynthia Langkamp.
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm.
Adoption of Agenda – Agenda adopted. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – May Tim made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Amy. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Sue got a Fitbit for her gift.
Treasurer’s Report – Approved bills for May. Motion made by Mary, seconded by Tim. Approve May financial report. Motion made by Mary, seconded by Amy.
Old Business –
Town of Richmond – FEMA – No news
Replace plastic electrical piping with metal. Waiting for Amir to return.
Paving – July 17th in the afternoon. This will be sealing the driving and painting new lines.
Grant Update – Ideas? Books? What topics would we like to purchase.
Butterfly Garden planted June 5th. Looks great. Thank you Emily.
Fire Inspection- re-inspect. Still need to change out the batteries for emergency lighting.
Lost items – down to 35 items.
Program and meetings – Restarting outside program use of the meeting room
starting on June 1st.
Online programs will continue.
Book Talkers is looking for someone to lead the group.
New Business –
– Food House – The library will just provide a location. An evaluation will be done on a month to month basis.
– New hours have been started and overdue fines are back in place. People are confused. This was expected.
– Landscaping – Have the young men from last year come back.
– July 5th. Closed for delivery. This is a Monday.
– Summer Reading begins at the end of June.

Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, July 14, 2021 at 6pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary

Minutes for the Meeting of May 12, 2021

Present: Janelle Speca, Mary Boite, Janet Dys, Robin Healy, Tim Rock, Thelma Mattice, Emily Pecora, Katie Egan, and Cynthia Langkamp.
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:00.
Adoption of Agenda – Cynthia made a motion to approve the Agenda, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – April. Tim made a motion to approve the minutes, with addition that Janelle was present for meeting, from April, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Welcome Emily and Katie. Mary thanks for taking the minutes for the meeting in April. We received a large bag of seeds from Lowe’s and are handing them out to patrons. Sue’s card is now signed by all Trustees. Directed draw is terrific on facebook. Thank you Janelle.
Treasurer’s Report – Approved bills for April. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Robin. Approve April financial report. Motion made by Mary, seconded by Robin.
For 2022 we would like to add a line item for Kit Programs. Some Kit programs are Book Bags, Game night, Direct Draw, knitting kits. These are just a few examples. Our budget would be $1200/year.
Old Business –
Town of Richmond – FEMA – No news
Replace plastic electrical piping with metal. Waiting for Amir to return.
Bristol Stats: Circulation from Bristol patrons has dropped from 300 to 8. Bristol Library is now open.
Action Items: We have six different groups requesting our meeting room. Consider asking for a contribution. This is just something we need to think about.
Our policy offers rooms at no charge.
Programs and meetings – Restarting outside program use of the meeting room starting on June 1st.
Online programs will continue.
New Business –
– New hours of operation. We service 3300 patrons. New hours will start on June 1st. Monday 12-6, Tuesday and Thursday 2-8,
– Wednesday 10-2 and Saturday 9-1. This is 26 hours in which we will be open. Book delivery will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
– Stopping amnesty mode and beginning to collect fines again.
– Spring sale is in progress. Not too productive. Bring up different items to sell.
– Book sale brought in $80.
– Work on library – met with three contractors. To clean grout in mens room. Contractor did not feel it needed regrout, just cleaned. Painting of railing. Contractor did not feel painting the railing a different color would make it less hot to the touch.
– Grant ideas – VOX books. Large Print book collection. Need to decide by January.
– Retrieving lost items – We are down from 4 pages to 1 ½.
– Seal parking lot – new quotes and information. One quote for $1,782 second quote for $1,000. This includes resealing, filling in cracks, repainting lines and moving where the handicap parking spot is located.
– Vacuum cleaner fixed – $144. This also includes bags and filters.
– Fire inspection – Town – We bought five batteries. We have until May 26th to get the batteries replaced for our emergency lighting. George Marshall will replace the batteries that do not work in our Emergency lighting.
– SG Security – Inspection will be in August.
– Garden Club is having their annual plant sale on May 22. We can have a book sale the same day.

Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, June 9, 2021 @ 6:00 PM.
Meeting Adjourned 7:30.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary

Minutes for the Meeting of April 14, 2021

Present:  Mary Boite, Janet Dys, Robin Healy, Thelma Mattice, Tim Rock, Amy Sharp.

Absent:  Cynthia Langkamp, Whitney Cornish.

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 6pm.
Adoption of Agenda: Motion to adopt by Amy Sharp, Second by Tim Rock. Passed unanimously.
Approval of Minutes of March 10 Meeting: Motion to adopt by Tim and seconded by Robin. Passed unanimously.
Public expression: Members talked about vaccination status – going well, most hoping to be able to feel safer and live a tad more normally, seeing family again. Discussion ensued about Sue Burn’s retirement – decision made to purchase a $100 Visa card as a gift, and 2 cards – one signed by Janelle and the Board at the meeting, and one to set out for patrons to sign. Mary plans to get some flowers as well. We don’t have a date yet to present the gifts.
Treasurer’s Report & and March Financial Report: March bills approved, motion by Mary, seconded by Janet. March FP approved, motion by Robin, seconded by Thelma. Passed unanimously.
Old Business:
 Town of Richmond – FEMA issue is still on hold; no response on this from the Town.
Replacement of electrical piping – also on hold as electrician is away on family business in Iran.
Bristol statistics with regards to looking at requesting more funding from them. Janelle working with Ron Kirsop on stats and hopefully by next month we can make a decision on doing this.
Programs/Meetings: We will revisit in June as we see how the guidelines are; this will coincide with revisiting our hours of business. There has been some discussion with Shanna Butler on the Holiday Weekend events at the school and in the Village. We also do the Bazaar at the School. Not really sure how much involvement we can have given our resources and working on the Bazaar. Butterfly garden (headed up by Emily) has received some offers of plants. Planting Date: June 5th.
New Business:
1. Retrieving lost items: No responses from letters to patrons who have items that have not been returned, so Janelle is calling patrons and has recovered about 21 “lost” books.
2. FFRPL grant: The extra $3200 from the anonymous donor is a lot and we want to think carefully about what we want/need to buy with that. SEE Action Items.
3. Story Walk grant filed 4/13 – for up to $3000 toward the project.
4. Windows will be cleaned on 4/19.
5. Estimate to seal the parking lot – getting estimates now – latest was $1,782.
6. Our 11 year old vacuum is being repaired.
7. Grout in men’s room needs redoing – in bad shape.
8. Fire inspection is on 4/19 at 1pm
Action Items
1. Please think of ways to make the FFRPL grant work for us – Janelle can use ideas about format (audio/large print, e.g.) as well as subject matter (do we need more in our history collection, books about women and women’s issues, biographies..etc.) Get ideas to her, and we can also discuss at the next meeting.
2. Programming ideas – think about new ones, bringing back old ones. Outdoor programming such as the Story Walk is great; many possibilities.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.
Next meeting: Wednesday, May 12/21 at 6pm.

Minutes for the Meeting of March 10, 2021

Janelle Speca, Mary Boite, Janet Dys, Robin Healy, Tim Rock, Thelma Mattice, Amy Sharp, Whitney Cornish and Cynthia Langkamp.

Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:05.
Adoption of Agenda –  Amy made the motion to adopt the agenda, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – February. Tim made a motion to approve the minutes from February, seconded by Robin. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Welcome Whitney Cornish to the Board of Trustees.
Treasurer’s Report – Approved bills for February. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Tim. Approve February financial report. Motion made by Mary, seconded by Robin.

Old Business –
Town of Richmond – FEMA – The Town Attorney is the go between for the Town Board and DEC. Have not heard from the town.
Replace plastic electrical piping with metal. Close up the hole on the outside to keep water and rodents out. Replace light bulb out front.
Vouchers, contracts and letters have been sent to the towns. Canadice $25,690.00 received 2/2/2021, South Bristol – $2927.00 received 1/16/2021 and Richmond – $84,317.00 received 3/1/2021.
Bristol stats: Possibly address town in September for additional funds.
Put together a letter regarding patrons coming to HPL.
Action Items:
Programs and meetings – cancelled until further notice. Jim reads every
Tuesday virtually. Janelle doing Facebook live to answer questions.

New Business-
– Recommendation for new trustee for the Board – Welcome Whitney Cornish.
– 2020 Annual report due March 12th is complete.
– Library Pandemic Response Plan due in April. Added action plan to include trustees.
– Dr. Seuss – censorship. Have not removed any books. Books have been discontinued. PLS is not mandating removal of books.
– Retrieving lost items – books that have not been returned. Janelle will write a letter to get the books back.
– FFRPL Grant –
– Book purchasing.
– Program ideas – Book walk. This is where we take pages of the book(photocopies) laminate them and put on pedestals outside around the library property. Book bags – Put together a bag of books that patrons cancheck out.
– Butterfly Garden – have put down mulch where the butterfly garden will go. Looking for plant donations. Plants or someone to start seeds for us.

Period for Public Expression – Town took down trees out back. Did clean them up. Will find out why they were taken down.

Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, April 14, 2021 @ 6:00 PM.
Meeting Adjourned 7:30.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary

Minutes for the Meeting of February 10, 2021

Janelle Speca, Mary Boite, Janet Dys, Robin Healy, Tim Rock, Thelma Mattice, Amy Sharp and Cynthia Langkamp. Guest – Whitney Cornish
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:05.
Adoption of Agenda – Robin made the motion to adopt the agenda, seconded by Amy. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – January. Mary made a motion to approve the minutes from January, seconded by Robin. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Welcome Whitney Cornish. We welcome Thelma Mattice to the Board of Trustees.
Treasurer’s Report – Approved bills for January. Motion made by Mary, seconded by Cynthia. Approve January financial report. Motion made by Tim, seconded by Mary.

Old Business –
Circulation Stats – Still rising. There’s nowhere to go but up.
Town of Richmond – FEMA – The Town Attorney is the go between for the Town Board and DEC. Daryl Marshall of the Town Board is behind us regarding the library being removed from the Flood insurance. Library flooded twice in 2013.
– Replace plastic electrical piping with metal. Scheduled for April when the weather gets nicer. Close up the hole on the outside to keep water and rodents out.
– Vouchers, contracts and letters have been sent to the towns. Canadice $25,690.00 received 2/2/2021, South Bristol – $2927.00 received 1/16/2021 and Richmond – $84,317.00 approved 2/9/2021.
Action Items:
Programs and meetings – cancelled until further notice. Jim reads every Tuesday virtually. Janelle doing Facebook live to answer questions. We may try doing virtual guitar lessons.

New Business – 
– Recommendation for new trustee for the Board – Welcome Thelma Mattice.
– Circulation stats based on residency – Bristol – $7.44 per circulation X 2023 = $15051.12. We would not have to change the charter. If their numbers continue until September, we will go to their town board with the proposal.
– Free Seeds from Lowe’s – contact person is Adam.
– 2020 Annual report is in process and due April 1st. This is something the State requires.
– Book sale all weekends in February .
– Library Pandemic Response Plan due in April. This is required by the State and PLS.

Period for Public Expression – Stay safe, Stay healthy.
Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, March 10, 2021 @ 6:00 PM.
Meeting Adjourned 7:20.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary

Minutes for the Meeting of January 13, 2021

Janelle Speca, Mary Boite, Janet Dys, Robin Healy, and Cynthia Langkamp. Guest – Thelma Mattice

Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:07.
Adoption of Agenda – Adopted. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – December. Adopted. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Welcome Thelma Mattice. Thelma is considering joining us as a Trustee.
Treasurer’s Report – Approved bills for December. Motion made by Mary, seconded by Robin. Approve December financial report. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Mary.

Old Business –
Circulation Stats – Still rising. There’s nowhere to go but up.
Town of Richmond – Letter to town for removal from flood insurance. We still want the town attorney to look over the contract before moving forward. Still waiting.
Replace plastic electrical piping with metal. Amir is working on purchasing all the products needed for the repair.
Vouchers, contracts and letters have been sent to the towns two weeks ago.
Candice – $25,690.00, South Bristol – $2927.00 and Richmond $84,317.00 .
We now have all our insurance under Utica. Building, Liability and Workers Compensation.
Action Items:
Programs and meetings – cancelled until further notice. Performances
cancelled for 2021 due to pandemic.

New Business – 
– Recommendation for new trustee for the Board – Welcome
– Door installation – Paid for installation up front from donations and will
replenish when the grant check comes in.
– Holiday Bazaar $456.00 and Book Sales $437.00 Oct.-Dec.
– Another increase in minimum wage to $12.50. Only applicable to Katie. Annual Raise.
– Circulation stats based on residency- charter questions. There has been an increase of patrons from Bristol Library using HPL. Bristol Library may not be open.
– Free Seeds from Lowe’s – contact person is Adam.
– Infection rate affecting the local libraries. Some libraries are quarantining for staff infected. Some libraries are closed other than curbside pick up.
Any input to programs?
– Book sale all weekends in February .
– Performances – What is the plan. Cancelling performances for 2021. If we are to continue with performances, we need the community to help organize. Performances is a community program, not a library program.

Period for Public Expression – Stay safe, Stay healthy.
Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, February 10, 2021 @ 6:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary

Minutes for the Meeting of December 9, 2020

Janelle Speca, Tim Rock, Mary Boite, Janet Dys, Robin Healy, Kerry Sherman and Cynthia Langkamp.
Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:05.
Adoption of Agenda – Motion made by Kerry seconded by Janet. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – November. Motion made by Tim, seconded by Kerry. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Outside light over door is on a timer. Timer needs to be reset.
Treasurer’s Report – Approved bills for November. Motion made by Kerry, seconded by Cynthia. Approve November financial report. Motion made by Mary, seconded by Tim.

Old Business –
Circulation Stats – Still rising. Next year there’s nowhere to go but up. Now receiving deliveries twice a week.
Town of Richmond – Letter to town for removal from flood insurance. We still want the town attorney to look over the contract before moving forward. Still waiting.
Budget Workshops – Canadice – increasing amount, South Bristol increasing amount, Richmond – Proposed to give the same amount as last year.
Action Items:
Programs and meetings – cancelled until further notice.

New Business –
Replace plastic electrical piping with metal. Amir is working on purchasing all the products needed for the repair. Amir met with Tim Rock. Tim to coordinate with Amir.
– Door installation – November 19th and 20th.
– Purchase of two new book trucks. Arrived and in use.
– Recommendations for new trustee for the Board – Advertise
– Holiday Bazaar and Book Sale – going well.
– Evaluation of Janelle’s first year.
– Key for Emily – Motion made by Kerry to give Emily a key to the library, seconded by Robin.
– Butterfly garden – Emily would like to put in a garden where the tree was located. She will maintain.

Period for Public Expression – Thank you Kerry for the past 5 years on the board of Trustees.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Board goes into Executive Session – Director Evaluation 2020.
Copy of evaluation given to all trustees.
Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Meeting adjourned – Executive Meeting held after meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary

Minutes for the Meeting of November 9, 2020

Janelle Speca, Tim Rock, Mary Boite, Janet Dys, Robin Healy, Amy Sharp, Kerry Sherman and Cynthia Langkamp.

Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:00.
Adoption of Agenda – Motion made by Robin seconded by Tim. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – October. Motion made by Mary, seconded by Kerry. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Programs. CPR and First Aid Training. Small groups – masks feet apart. Modelers. Girl Scouts.
We will not start programs until after the new year. COVID cases are rising.
Treasurer’s Report – Approved bills for October. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Mary. Approve October financial report. Motion made by Tim, with changes to Financial Report heading, seconded by Mary.

Old Business –
Circulation Stats – Rising. Barely lower than this time last year. Only 84 down from last year. Being open on Wednesday is helping. We sometimes get 2 or 3 kids sometimes more. This is being open 08 hours less than last year.

Now receiving deliveries twice a week.

Town of Richmond – Letter to town for removal from flood insurance. We still want the town attorney to look over the contract before moving forward. Still waiting.

Budget Workshops – Canadice – increasing amount, South Bristol increasing amount, Richmond – Proposed to give the same amount as last year.
Action Items:
Programs and meetings – cancelled until further notice.

New Business
Policy updates: Amendment to Charter
Library Aid- Library Clerk – too restrictive
Library Senior Clerk – no one at this time.
Library Director
2021 holiday Closings
Motion made by Robin, seconded by Mary to accept policy updates. Motion passed unanimously.

Holiday Bazaar/Fundraiser Ideas – Will have a table set up in the library to sell to our patrons.

Replace plastic electrical piping with metal. Amir is working on purchasing all the products needed for the repair. Amir met with Tim Rock. Tim to coordinate with Amir.
– Replace sump pump in the new addition on October 28th.
– Award for Janelle and the Honeoye Public Library – October 20th.
– Door installation – November 19th and 20th. Library will be closed on November 19th due to construction on doors.
– Purchase of two new book trucks. Use memorial monies to purchase book trucks. Motion made by Janet, seconded by Kerry. Motion was passed unanimously .
– Recommendations for new trustee for the Board.

Period for Public Expression – Change back to Wednesday night meetings starting at 6PM.
Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 6 PM.
Meeting adjourned – Executive Meeting held after meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary

Minutes for the Meeting of October 12, 2020

Janelle Speca, Tim Rock, Mary Boite, Janet Dys, Robin Healy, Amy Sharp, Kerry Sherman and Cynthia Langkamp.

Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:05
Adoption of Agenda – Motion made by Robin seconded by Amy. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – September. Motion made by Tim, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Carol Sherman husband passed away. Sent a sympathy card from the library board.
Halloween decorations look great outside.
Treasurer’s Report – Approved bills for September. Motion made by Tim, seconded by Kerry. Approve September financial report. Motion made by Amy, seconded by Mary.

Old Business –
Circulation Stats – Rising. Barely lower than this time last year. Only 85 down from last year. This is being open 10 hours less than last year.
Town of Richmond – Letter to town for removal from flood insurance. We still want the town attorney to look over the contract before moving forward. No news.
Action Items:
Door grants – approved. Contracts signed and parts ordered.
Policy updates – Janelle to email oldest policies for us to review before our next meeting.
Programs and meetings – cancelled until further notice.

New Business
Long Range Plan – Approval of new plan for 2021-2023. Motion made by Tim, seconded by Janet to accept new Long Range Plan for the years 2021-2023. Motion was passed unanimously.

Weapons Policy – Code of conduct – Motion made by Robin, seconded by Kerry to accept Code of Conduct policy. Motion was passed unanimously.

Budget Workshops – Canadice increasing amount 2%, South Bristol increasing amount 2% and Richmond to give the same amount as last year.

Fundraising – Book Sales $129 and Holiday Bazaar $50.

Memorial Donations for Dave Beckwith and Robert Cooley. $175.00 this month.

HCS usage – School Board Meeting on October 14th.

Replace plastic electrical piping with metal. Amir is working on purchasing all the products needed for the repair. Amir met with Tim Rock. Tim to coordinate with Amir.

Landscaping – The boys weeded and laid mulch. They also moved most of the sandbags inside the doors. Removed birds nest and cleaned the crabapples off the roof.

Re-evaluate our hours – Changed hours in September to Monday and Thursday 2-6, Tuesday 12-4, Wednesday 2-4.

Scare Crow Stroll – October17th.

Annual PLS meeting is October 14th at 6PM. This will be done virtually.

Janelle and the Honeoye Public Library received a NDEAM Award. (National Disability and Employment Awareness Month). We received this for employers who employee 25-99 people. This award is for increasing awareness and opportunities to assisting persons with disabilities to achieve and maintain employment.

Period for Public Expression – Thank you Mary for your work on the Long Range Plan and for attending the Richmond Budget Meeting.
Trustee Meeting – Monday, November 9, 2020 at 6 PM.
Meeting adjourned – 7:00
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary

Minutes for the Meeting of September 15, 2020

Janelle Speca, Tim Rock, Mary Boite, Janet Dys, Robin Healy, Amy Sharp
and Cynthia Langkamp.

Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:10
Adoption of Agenda – Motion made by Robin seconded by Tim. Motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of prior meeting minutes – August. Motion made by Tim, seconded by Amy. Motion was passed unanimously.
Period of Public Expression – Flood gates closed in. Spencer Shumway took the old flood gates for someone else.
Treasurer’s Report – Approved bills for August. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Tim. Approve August financial report. Motion made by Tim, seconded by Robin.

Old Business –
Circulation Stats – Rising. Still significantly lower than this time last year, but better than last month. We are seeing new patrons come in and sign up.
Town of Richmond – Letter to town for removal from flood insurance. We still want the town attorney to look over the contract before moving forward. Letter to Town Supervisor and Spencer Shumway.
Action Items –
Roy White proposal – Contract signed and sent in for the
Flood Gates.
Door Grants – due August 31st.
Tree and stump removal – scheduled for 8/7/2020. Looks good.
No more clean up of crabapples on the sidewalk. Helps keep the library cleaner.
New books – We ordered 224 new books for the library at $16 each.
Programs and meetings – cancelled until further notice.
New Business
Long Range Plan – Action Item Update in folder. Review the new revised Long Range Plan. Have any additions or changes ready for our next meeting.
Weapons Policy – Code of conduct – Adopt weapons policy.
Meeting Room Policy and Application Review – Our current policy is still valid. No changes at this time.
Budget Proposal to all towns. Towns 2% increase. Town meeting with South Bristol and Canadice virtual on Monday 9/14/2020.
Add a raise of $1.00/hour for Janelle to be added to the budget. This is to start immediately. Janelle will contact payroll personnel.
Fundraising – Book Sales and Holiday Bazaar.
Memorial Donations for Dave Beckwith and Robert Cooley.
PLS workshops for trustees – Check newsletter for upcoming events.
PLS Annual Meeting is October 14th at 6PM. We must RSVP and register by September 25th. We will do this from home virtually.
Exterior railing color. Change to a lighter color so it’s not so hot.
HCS usage – As of right now, HCS will re-evaluate after the school has been open for awhile, before they approve us using the building for the bazaar. This will be done in October.
Replace plastic electrical piping with metal. Work with our electrician Amir. Piping needs to be watertight. The electrician would know legally what to do. May not be a simple job.
Employee transitions – Sue – taking a leave of absence for 7 months to help her
father. Emily – is a temporary replacement for Sue. The first of April this will be
re-evaluated. Connie – bookkeeper left. Jenny – New bookkeeper. Stays on sight to do the books. She comes in on Monday.
OWWL2GO funding for 2021 – We will go from 2% to 3%. $2000 to $3029.
Movie licensing renewal – We did not have a good turnout. Will restart in 2022.
Re-evaluate our hours – Change Tuesday hours to 12-4. Tuesdays are slow days. Open Wednesday 2-4 and Friday 2-4. This is to allow kids to come in and do their homework. We have a fast internet. We have volunteers who could help the kids with their homework.
Period for Public Expression – Scarecrow Stroll Ideas.

Trustee Meeting – Monday, October 12, 2020 at 6 PM.
Meeting adjourned – 7:45
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary

Minutes for the Meeting of July 8, 2020

Janelle Speca, Tim Rock, Mary Boite, Janet Dys and Cynthia Langkamp.

Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM

Adoption of Agenda – Motion made by Cynthia seconded by Tim. Motion was passed unanimously.

Approval of prior meeting minutes – June. Motion made by Mary, seconded by Janet. Motion was passed unanimously.

Period of Public Expression – Welcome back

Treasurer’s Report – Approved paid bills for June. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Mary. Approve March, April, May and June financial report. Approve payment of bills for March, April, May and June. Tim approved past billing, seconded by Janet.

Old Business –
Circulation Stats – E-books are up.
Town of Richmond – FEMA Zoning
Action Items – Tim meeting with Roy White on Friday. Will let Spencer
Shumway know about the meeting. Letter to Town Board to put in a resolution to get us out of FEMA Ins.(No flood insurance Monies).
Action Items – Put in budget to hire students to work on our gardens. Shoveling sidewalk and ramp.
Stowe Estimates for grants for the doors – See quote entered as grants.
Summer Reading – Modified version.
Programs and meetings – cancelled.

New Business
New Policies – Working remotely Policy. We are allowed to work remotely if there is a stay at home order.
Quote from Roy White – setting up a meeting with Tim to talk specifics.
Landscaping – Thank you Janet for trimming bushes. Get rid of the garden out by the road. Remove ornamental grasses and other plants.
Quote on Cherry Tree – Tree is actually a crabapple tree. $500.00.
This includes cutting tree down and stump removal. Motion made by Cynthia to spend the $500.00 for tree and stump removal, seconded by Janet. Motion was passed unanimously.
Summer Reading – modified version
Next month’s meeting – Janelle is gone on the 12th. We will have the meeting on August 5th.
Upcoming budget – Just got the kit from PLS.
Long Range Plan – Action Item – Look over Long Range Plan. Put down notes and Ideas.
Book Sale – Pre-register for a 15 minute slot. Pay upstairs at front desk. We will wait on this. Need wipes if anyone is going out shopping.

Period of Public Expression – Accepting books for book sale.
Donated books will be quarantined for 72 hours.

Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 7:00 PM.

Meeting adjourned – 8:37
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary

Minutes for the Meeting of June 2, 2020

Janelle Speca, Amy Sharp, Kerry Sherman, Janet Dys Tim Rick and Cynthia Langkamp.

Call to order -Meeting was called to order at 6:10 PM

Adoption of Agenda –

Approval of prior meeting minutes – March

Period of Public Expression – Thank you Ron Kirsop for setting up this meeting

Treasurer’s Report –  approve paid bills.  Approve payment of bills.  Connie makes up checks.  Janelle is signing monthly bills/checks.

Old Business

Circulation Stats – Annual report  with asterisk next to circulation.

Town of Richmond – FEMA zoning – get a quote from Roy White to block off Flood gates.

Audit Completed – 2/14/2020 – done on-line.

State Annual Report – Approved and completed.

Programs and meetings – cancelled.

New Business

New Policies – Working remotely Policy.  We are allowed to work remotely if there is a stay at home order.

Stowe Estimates for grants for doors.  We needed to call a locksmith.  It cost $700.  We are looking to replace doors to make them handicap accessible.

Grant request is complete.

Carpet cleaning in main room since we were closed.

A/C cleaning and filter change.

Computers updated by PLS.

Security update again – monitors and camera.  Janelle learning to reset .  This will save us $90 per visit.

Reopening plan – modified services and times.  Opening June 30th.  Waiting for phase 4.  Only books available will be books we have at HPL.

There will be no inter library deliveries.  Items dropped off will be quarantined for 72 hours.

Change in number of items to be charged out is 7.

Need wipes if anyone is going out shopping. 

For long range plan – we could do three years versus five years.

Nominated for an award for having an inclusive atmosphere in the library.

Period of Public Expression –


Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 7:00 PM.

Meeting adjourned – 7:00 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary

Minutes for the Meeting of March 11, 2020

Janelle Speca, Mary Boite, Amy Sharp, Robin Healy, Kerry Sherman, Janet Dys and Cynthia Langkamp.

Call to order – Meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.

Adoption of Agenda – Mary moved to accept, seconded by Janet. Motion was
passed unanimously.

Reviewed the minutes from February 2020. Kerry moved to accept the minutes seconded by Amy. Motion was passed unanimously.

Period of Public Expression – Impact Coronavirus is having on our families and community. Stay healthy and Safe.

Treasurer’s Report – Mary moved to accept Treasurer’s report, seconded by Robin. Approved paid bills for February 2020, Amy moved to accept paid bills seconded by Cynthia. Approve payment March 2020 bills, motion made by Robin, seconded by Janet. Motion was passed unanimously.

Old Business –
Circulation Stats – February 2768 up 501/WIFI 75/ OWWL2GO 443/Overdrive
Magazines 24.
Town of Richmond – FEMA zoning – nothing new.
Audit Completed – 2/14/2020 – done on-line.
State Annual Report – Approved and completed.
Programs and meetings – February 15th through March 10th we had 137 attendees to our programs and meetings. For the month of February we had 208 attendees. We will reassess our programs every three months to see if we should continue with certain programs.

New Business
Doors painted on February 13th.
Switched to Spectrum Tuesday, February 18th We were able to keep our same phone number. Faxes go through with no problem.
Received money from all three towns on 2/18/2020.
Charging cords/station – Would like to buy popular charging cords/station that patrons can use while working at the library.
Action Items – Agenda for next meeting. Form a committee to review policies and by-laws.

Trustees – Please bring your policy notebook and by-laws.
Period of Public Expression – Ron Kirsop to join us regarding new guidelines
for trustees continuing education.

Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at 7:00 PM.

Meeting adjourned – 6:30 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary

Minutes for the Meeting of February 12th, 2020

Present: Janet Dys, Mary Boite, Tim Rock, Robin Healy, Amy Sharp, Kerry Sherman.  Absent: Cynthia Langkmp, Janelle Speca (Director)

Meeting was called to order at 7pm.

Adoption of Agenda: Robyn moved, Amy seconded.  Motion was unanimously passed.

Approval of January 8th Minutes: Robyn moved, Kerry seconded. Passed unanimously.

Period for public expression: Discussion re scheduling of outside groups using the library.  Janet clarified that the Board is supportive of Janelle’s decisions regarding those hours, and that we want to make sure that she is not having to exceed her paid hours while trying to accommodate the meetings.

Janelle reported more young adult/teen traffic – that section has been weeded and new books bought for those patrons.  They are also excited about the y/a programming with Katie.

Treasurer’s Report:

Approval of paid bills: Motion by Tim, seconded by Amy

Approval of January financial Report: Motion by Kerry, seconded by Mary

Approval of payment of January bills: Motion by Amy, seconded by Janet

All motions were unanimously passed.

Old Business:

  1. Circulation stats are up from last year for January: 2767, up 25/ WIFI 108/OWWL2GO 241/Overdrive Mags25.
  2. Open House was a success and something we hope to do once a year. About 39 people were there.
  3. Town of Richmond – FEMA zoning: we have been clear that we cannot do what DEC is asking re changes to our building, since we have already made changes that Tim Rock recommended and we believe that this should be sufficient to deter any flooding. We have not heard anything knew from the town.


Janelle listed an impressive number of meetings held here from January 6th through February 11th, on the agenda.  There was a total of 200 Attendees.  We also have some private tutoring every Tuesday and Thursday, and every evening from 5-8 pm. Janelle reposts info about the week’s activities so people know those schedules.

New Business

  1. Doors to the closet were replaced on January 21st and they will set up a time to finish and repaint. There is apparently no reason why the painting should have caused to problem with the rivets and if they is one it will be fixed at no charge.
  2. The Trustees’ positions – President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary – were discussed, and as we don’t do a formal process, trustees just decided that as the officers agreed to retain their positions, and no one else wanted them, those would just re-up. The Board also decided to ask the Secretary to provide more information in the Minutes about discussions, decisions and an Action List to remind trustees what they had agreed to do, if anything, for the next meeting.
  3. Ron Kirsop has agreed to come and meet with us to do a training workshop, which we all thought would be very helpful. He cannot come at our regular meeting hours but can come a little earlier on our usual meeting nightThe State now mandates a certain number of education hours for trustees. Decision made with him that: He will come on Wednesday March 11th.  We will gather for our meeting at 5:45 and he will arrive at 6:30 for about an hour or so.
  4. State Annual Report Due on February 14, 2020. Connie (bookkeeper) and Janelle attended at January 24th workshop at PLS about this and the report has been finished.  Mary moved and Tim seconded the motion to accept the Report – passed unanimously by the Board at this meeting.  Note:  The report has been submitted.
  5. Bylaws: Ron is asking that our current bylaws be updated and “beefed up”. We agree that this does need to be done; we need to look for the most current revisions before doing this.
  6. Communication services: We have switched to Spectrum for our services.

Action Items:

We will look to find current bylaw revisions (all)

Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm

Submitted by Mary Boite

Minutes for the Meeting of January 8th, 2020

 In Attendance: Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Mary Boite, Tim Rock, Robin Healy, and Amy Sharp

Absent: Cynthia Langkamp and Kerry Sherman

Adoption of Agenda: Mary moved to accept, seconded by Tim. Motion was passed.

Amy moved to accept minutes from December 11th, 2019, seconded by Tim, Motion was passed unanimously. Going forward, Janet would like more details included in the meeting minutes, when possible.

Period of Public Expression: Bulletin board and new fish are great!

Treasurer’s report: Tim moved to approve paid bills of December, seconded by Robin. Robin moved to approve December’s financial report, seconded by Mary. Mary moved to approve payment of December’s bills seconded by Janet. All motions were approved unanimously.

Our new bookkeeper, Connie Cook, will be paid through payroll. This is a change to how we have previously paid for this service.

Old Business:

Circulation Stats for December 2373/up 182/WIFI/ 62/OWWL2GO 190/Overdrive Mags 14

The roof leak repair was $405 and there has been no more leaking. Tree trimming was also discussed as a contributing factor to roof issues; a patron, Mr. Spraugh, has volunteered to trim back the cherry tree.

$13,000 was received from Brian Kolb.

New Business:

January open house is tomorrow, 1/9, 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Mary will pick up food: a cheese tray from Wegmans. Janet will be setting up the drinks. Many people have said they will be attending. We are unsure of the actual number of people to expect.

Tim moves to allow Mary to pay for the open house food as HPL Board Member. Motion was passed unanimously.

Our previous insurance provider, Erie, is no longer available through Chrisman Insurance. We are awaiting the new cost of insurance through Utica.

Possible volunteer opportunities were discussed and will be presented at the open house tomorrow. Advise Janelle of any additions/ideas to add.

Some ideas for performances were shared by Janelle, including: Merry-Go-Round Theater, a dance class followed by swing band performance with a dance floor and karaoke accompanied by a house band.

Janelle attended the Town of Richmond Comprehensive Planning Committee meeting where she discussed how HPL would like to serve the community. The meeting went very well and areas of discussion included expanding program offerings, expanding hours, a possible, survey to determine what the community wants from the library. The FEMA topic also came up at this meeting. The Town Supervisor, Daryl Marshall, mentioned the possibility of HPL being written out of FEMA. We are currently holding on the issue – not moving forward.

Minimum wage has increased from $11.10 – $11.80. This only affects Katie. Katie is doing great and things are going smoothly even without Sue. A ladder to access top shelves as well as a wheelchair to keep at the library were possibilities discussed. Janelle would like a construction grant to make the front doors more handicapped accessible.

The reorganization of the library looks great. Janelle is working with the school art teacher and principal to display student’s artwork around the library as well as generating other ideas to bring more people in.

Action Items:

Amy will email minutes to all.

Mary will find a volunteer for the February book sale.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30

Respectfully submitted by Amy Sharp

Minutes for the Meeting of October 9, 2019

Janelle Speca, Janet Dys, Mary Boite, Amy Sharp, Robin Healy, Kerry Sherman and Cynthia Langkamp

Meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm.

Adoption of Agenda – Robin moved to accept, seconded by Amy. Motion was passed unanimously.

Reviewed the minutes from September 2019. Mary moved to accept the minutes seconded by Kerry. Motion was passed unanimously.

Period of Public Expression – Check out scarecrow out front of library.

Treasurer’s Report – Cynthia moved to accept Treasurer’s report, seconded by Robin. Approved paid bills for October 2019, Kerry moved to accept paid bills seconded by Mary. Approve payment October 2019 bills, motion made by Robin, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.

Old Business –

Circulation Stats – September 2228/down 732/WIFI 76/ OWWL2GO355/Overdrive Magazines 8.

Children’s Holiday Bazaar – Would like help from the trustees to call volunteers to work. Cynthia will get a list of persons who need to be called. Can also help downstairs on Tuesday and Thursday packing boxes from 2 – 4 PM.

Performances – Must still reserve the auditorium for the summer of 2020. Grace Wood is the contact person.

Construction Grant – Stowe – door replacement.

Building issues – Moving wall – ¾ & 1” – Roy White to fill crack outside. $909.55. Outside tree removal will cost $850.00. This includes stump grinding. Janet made a motion to have Amy contact Benjamin Tree Care to remove tree/stump grinding, seconded by Robin.

Ontario County Public Library Service Area – Charter change to add part of Canadice and South Bristol to our “chartered to serve” area. HCS School

Budget 2020 – Canadice and Richmond Presentations. Performances – OK for money and 2% increase from Richmond. South Bristol – Dan Marshall is Town Supervisor.

Town of Richmond – FEMA zoning. Floodplain. Anything new?

Autumn Book Sale – Saturdays in October. First Saturday $125.00 Bag Sale.

PLS Annual Meeting – 7 people. Meeting at Library. Leaving by 8 AM.

Trustee with key and access to accounts – Tim and Robin.

New Business
Wendy’s last day was September 26th. Journal available for patrons to sign through December.

Chromeboxes – PLS to install new software. Purchase of software – $25/computer. Will install on two computers.

Facebook page or other social media – Create one for the library. Janelle will create our facebook page.

New Program Ideas – Put our program ideas on facebook as well as have a listing at the library for patrons who do not use facebook.

Participating in Scarecrow Stroll – There will be a map of businesses participating in this. Take pictures. Vote for your favorite scarecrow. Ends October 26th.

Historical Society wants to sell calendars at the library starting November 7th. Library personnel would collect the money.

Deep cleaning – Jennifer Nichols – This would take two days at $200 per day.
We will wait until after the new year.

New Volunteer – Kathryn Egan – We want to hire as new clerk.

Adding bulletin boards and fish tank. OK by Trustees.

Approve close dates for upcoming year – need to research.

Bookkeeper done as of the end of the year – purchase program. We want to try Quick Books. Will contact Ron to see what other libraries do about their

Period of Public Expression – Order business cards to Janelle Speca.

Great meeting.

Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at 7:00 PM.

Meeting adjourned – 8:30 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary

Minutes for the Meeting of September 11, 2019

Wendy Krause (Last Meeting), Tim Rock, Janet Dys, Mary Boite, Amy Sharp, Robin Healy, Kerry Sherman and Cynthia Langkamp

Executive Session called to order at 7PM. New Director to come to meeting at 7:15. New director to be paid by-monthly and vacation starting at one week.

Meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm.

Adoption of Agenda – with correction under performances from 1920 to 2020.  Cynthia moved to accept, seconded by Tim. Motion was passed unanimously.

Reviewed the minutes from August 2019. Tim moved to accept the minutes seconded by Amy. Motion was passed unanimously.

Period of Public Expression – Replace tree dedicated to Wendy. Also, put out a journal for patrons to write their thoughts to Wendy.

Welcome new director Janelle Speca.

Treasurer’s Report – Cynthia moved to accept Treasurer’s report, seconded by Mary. Approved paid bills for September 2019, Mary moved to accept paid bills,
seconded by Kerry. Approve payment September 2019 bills, motion made by Amy, seconded by Kerry. Motion was passed unanimously.

Old Business –
Circulation Stats – August 3148 up 42/WIFI 86/ OWWL2GO 375/Overdrive Magazines 28.

Children’s Holiday Bazaar – Advertise on Honeoye Happenings. Send notices to school that we are collecting donations. Advertise in the Weekender and OWL
Light news. Get permission to put insert into church bulletins.

Performances – Approximately 1467 participants. 3 rain, 1 heat. Held at HCS or UCC. Requested Richmond $3000 donation 9/10/2019. Reserved Gazebo
for 2020 season 9/10/2019.

Construction Grant – received balance of $1131. Stowe – door replacement.

Building issues – Moving wall – ¾ & 1” – Roy White to fill crack outside. Has not been done as of this meeting.

Outside tree removal. Amy to inquire if town uses
someone under contract. Person needs insurance.

Ontario County Public Library Service Area – Charter change to add part of Canadice and South Bristol to our “chartered to serve” area. HCS School District.

Budget 2020 – Canadice & Richmond presentations. South Bristol? Janet to take budget to South Bristol.

Town of Richmond – FEMA zoning. Floodplain. Anything new?

Autumn Book Sale – Saturdays in October. Mary has 3 Saturdays covered.

Programs/Meetings – Summer reading party – 23 J & 10 A.
Book Talk – Finding Dorothy – 16 ladies. Barb Kennerson’s OZ collection is awesome.

New Business
Renee Boone resigned effective 9/1/2019. Looking for new clerk.
Trustee with a key – Robin will have a key to the library. Tim is the emergency backup for Security.
HPL bank account signatures – Robin will be able to sign checks.
HPL safe deposit box signatures. Robin will be backup.
Janet made the motion that Robin will have a spare key to the library, be able to sign for bank accounts and have access to safe deposit box. Mary seconded.
Motion was passed unanimously.
HPL corporate credit card. Wendy is administrator. Rename Janelle as administrator. Tim moved to make Janelle administrator of HPL credit card, seconded by Robin. Motion was passed unanimously.

Bullet Aid – Check to see if we get bullet aid for next year. Brian Kolb will be donating $13,000. Thank you Brian.

30th Annual Meeting & Brunch – Wednesday, October 16th from 9-10:30 AM at Belhurst Castle in Geneva.

Welcome Janelle as new director starting 9/9/2019.

Clean outside of building – weeds in garden and sidewalk.

Period of Public Expression – Thank you Robin for doing the phone interviews for the new director. Thanks to all who interviewed the candidates.

Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 7:00 PM.

Meeting adjourned – 9:00 pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary

Minutes for the Meeting of August 7, 2019

Present: Janet Dys, Wendy Krause, Kerry Sherman, Tim Rock, and Cynthia Langkamp.

Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm.

Adoption of Agenda – Tim moved to accept agenda seconded by Janet with addition of removing tree out front. Motion was passed unanimously.

Reviewed the minutes from July 2019. Tim moved to accept the minutes seconded by Kerry. Motion was passed unanimously.

Period of Public Expression –

Treasurer’s Report – Cynthia moved to accept Treasurer’s report, seconded by Tim. Approved paid bills for August 2019, Cynthia moved to accept paid bills, seconded by Kerry. Approve payment August 2019 bills, motion made by Kerry, seconded by Tim. Motion was passed unanimously.

We received another $1000 from Tom Good. Thank you Tom.

Another Grant – Early Literacy Mini Grant – Magnetic Board – Great Fun.

Old Business –

Circulation Stats – July 3284 down 283/WIFI 116/ OWWL2GO 388/Overdrive Magazines12.

Children’s Holiday Bazaar – We collected 18 boxes from St. Mary’s rummage sale. We will start advertising that we are now accepting donations.

Performances – Doing great.

Construction Grant – Billed the State for the balance.

Building issues – Moving wall – ¾ & 1” – Roy White to fill crack outside.

Ontario County Public Library Service Area – Charter change to add part of Canadice and South Bristol to our “chartered to serve” area. HCS School District.

Budget 2020 – Made a motion to accept preliminary budget. Tim moved to accept, seconded by Kerry.

Town of Richmond – FEMA zoning. Floodplain. Anything new?

Director Posting & Job description – Corrections to letter that Janet is to sign.

New Business
October Book Sale – Every Saturday in October – Bag Sale. Need volunteers for four Saturday’s.

Senator Rich Funke letter – attached letter

30th Annual Meeting & Brunch – Wednesday, October 16th from 9-10:30 AM at Belhurst Castle in Geneva – trustees, staff and volunteers. Who can attend?

Rugs cleaned in original building on July 24th.


Minutes for the Meeting of July 10, 2019

Present: Janet Dys, Wendy Krause, Robin Healy, Amy Sharp, Tim Rock, Mary Boite and Cynthia Langkamp.

Guest:  Ron Kirsop

Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.

Adoption of Agenda – Robin moved to accept agenda seconded by Mary.  Motion was passed unanimously.

Reviewed the minutes from June 2019. Tim moved to accept minutes seconded by Robin. Motion was passed unanimously.

Period of Public Expression – Carla Collichio was thrilled with Book Talkers on June 26th. Author of book attended the meeting. 

Treasurer’s Report – Amy moved to accept Treasurer’s report, seconded by Mary.  Approved paid bills for July 2019, Cynthia moved to accept paid bills, seconded by Janet.  Approve payment July 2019 bills, motion made by Amy, seconded by Mary. Motion was passed unanimously.

 Old Business – 

Circulation Stats – June 2851 down 74/WIFI 152/ OWWL2GO 358/Overdrive Magazines 34. 

Children’s Holiday Bazaar – Sorting out donations. 

Performances – At HCS due to weather – 160 people.

Construction Grant – Billed the State for the balance.

Moving wall – ¾ & 1” – Put molding up to cover up moving wall.

Outside gap – Fill in to keep rodents out.

Book Sale – Saturday July 13, thru July 20 – spots are all filled. 

Basement Clean up Roto-Rooter Excellent Job. 

Ontario County Public Library Service Area – Lauren – Charter change to add part of Canadice and South Bristol to our “chartered to serve”  area. HCS School District. Great Presentation.

Policies/Job Descriptions – No meeting today.

Town of Richmond – FEMA zoning.  Floodplain. Anything new?


Book Talk – South of Little Rock 12 ladies and author.  

New Business

Exempt Organization Certificate – Now have a new tax exempt number.  

2020 Budget – Motion made to accept budget.  Mary moved to accept, seconded by Robin. Motion was passed unanimously.

Director posting and job description – Search Committee

Period of Public Expression –

Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, August 7, 2019 at 7:00 PM.

Meeting adjourned – 8:55 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary

Honeoye Public Library Board of Trustees
Minutes for the Meeting of June 12, 2019

Present: Janet Dys, Wendy Krause, Robin Healy, Amy Sharp, Mary Boite
and Cynthia Langkamp.

Meeting was called to order at 7:17 pm.

Adoption of Agenda – Robin moved to accept agenda, seconded by Amy.
Motion was passed unanimously.

Reviewed the minutes from May 2019. Amy moved to accept minutes, seconded
by Janet. Motion was passed unanimously.

Period of Public Expression –

Treasurer’s Report – Robin moved to accept Treasurer’s report, seconded by
Amy. Approve paid bills for June 2019, Cynthia moved to accept paid bills, seconded by Janet. Approve payment June 2019 bills, motion made by
Mary, seconded by Robin. Cynthia moved that Tim authorizes for accountant to
file tax return by IRS E-file signature authorization, seconded by Robin. Motion
was passed unanimously.

Old Business
Circulation Stats – May up 89/WIFI 114/ OWWL2GO 340/Overdrive Magazines 19.

Children’s Holiday Bazaar – $143 in Spring Sales.

Performances – moving along.

Construction Grant – Roy White – outside wall – complete. Amir – lighting is
beautiful. 90% complete. Closet Door – Bob Stowe – $5274 – Mary moved to OK
payment to Stowe Construction not to exceed $5274, Mary moved to OK
payment, seconded by Robin. Motion was passed unanimously. Award $11,305
(75%) of $15,074 – received $10,175. After paying $5205 from building account,
we can close this account.

Building issues – Moving wall – ¾ & 1” – Put molding up to cover up moving wall.
outside gap – Fill in to keep rodents out.

Book Sale – Saturday July 13, thru July 20 – spots are all filled. Thank you.

Marilyn Matteson has enjoyed sorting out books for our book sale, but is turning
this job over to our library volunteers. Thank you Marilyn.

Basement Clean up – Roto-Rooter quote – Janet. ½ payment down. Amy made
the motion to pay $2500.00 to get basement cleaned, seconded by Robin. Janet
will set up time. Motion was passed unanimously.

Ontario County Public Library Service Area – Lauren – Charter change to add
part of Canadice and South Bristol to our “chartered to serve” area. HCS
School District. Great Presentation.

Maker spaces – Lego wall. Bob Stowe.

Policies/Job Descriptions – No meeting today.

Town of Richmond – FEMA zoning. Floodplain. Anything new?

Book Talk – Origin by Dan Brown – 11 ladies.

New Business
New Website – Sue’s Job Description, Renee as back-up.

Exempt Organization Certificate – Now have a new tax exempt number.

2020 Budget for July – will review next month.

Director Job information/Work Schedule/Application

Call list

Change August meeting to August 7, 2019. Janet made a motion to make
change, seconded by Tim. Motion was passed unanimously.

Period of Public Expression –.

reviewed HPL Work Schedule.

Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 7:00 PM.

Meeting adjourned – 8:55 pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary


Board of Trustees
Minutes for the Meeting of May 8, 2019

Present: Janet Dys, Wendy Krause, Tim Rock, Robin Healy, Kerry Sherman, Mary Boite and Cynthia Langkamp.

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.

Adoption of Agenda – Mary moved to accept agenda, seconded by Janet.

Motion was passed unanimously.

Reviewed the minutes from April 2019. Tim moved to accept minutes, seconded by Robin. Motion was passed unanimously.

Period of Public Expression – Discussed trimming bushes out front. New sign out front on pole.

Treasurer’s Report – Tim moved to accept Treasurer’s report, seconded by Robin. Approve paid bills for May 2019, Tim moved to accept paid bills, seconded by Robin.  Approve payment May 2019 bills, motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Tim. Motion was passed unanimously.

Old Business –
Circulation Stats – April down 171/ WIFI 59/ OWWL2GO 367/ Overdrive Magazines 21.

Children’s Holiday Bazaar – We have HCS for next year. Requests for building usage is now made on-line. Spring Sale going well. Will take down the end of May. Will put an Ad in Weekender for August issue to start accepting donations.

Performances – We have HCS in case of bad weather. Donation letter in the mail. Performances should be part of Library Director job description. Program of HPL.

Construction Grant – Roy White – outside wall – complete.  Amir – lighting is beautiful.  90% complete.  New ballast for all lighting, except in new building.  Motion was made by Mary to sign check for lighting, seconded by Janet.  Motion was passed unanimously.  Closet door – Bob Stowe – $5,274.  Award $11,305 (75%) of $15,074 – received $10,175.

Building issues – Moving wall – ¾ & 1” – Put molding up to cover up moving wall.

Book Sale – May 18th from 9am – 1pm. Marcia Young and Donna Cochrane to work. Thank you.

Basement Clean up.   Received $5,000 on January 3, 2019. Need to get updated quotes for cleaning basement.

Ontario County Public Library Service Area – Lauren – Charter change to add part of Canadice and South Bristol to our “chartered to serve” area. HCS School District. Great Presentation.

Maker spaces – Lego wall. Bob Stowe.

Policies/Job Descriptions – No meeting today.

Town of Richmond – FEMA zoning. Floodplain. Anything new?

Book Talk – The Ten Year Gap – 11 ladies.

New Business
Outside signs are installed.

Fleming Heating and Air Conditioner – John Whitcom – installed geothermal.

April 29 – Spencer Shumway/Richmond Code – we passed.

Pick a Date for July Book Sale – July 13 thru July 20. Mary will get volunteers.

Chris Coriddi – gardens/bushes – Doing a great job. Thank you Chris.

June Advertising – Put a notice in the Weekender and Owl Light News regarding Wendy retiring after 29 years. Janet will write up a notice.

New Website – Get a new website up by end of May.

Fault in Fire System – Line 2. Frontier called to have the line checked. Phone static.

Change August meeting to August 7, 2019. Janet made a motion to make change, seconded by Tim. Motion was passed unanimously.

Period of Public Expression –

Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, June 12, 2019 at 7:00 PM.
Meeting adjourned – 8:35 pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia Langkamp – Secretary